Hi. I've been pretty busy to answer peoples questions. Sorry I can't get to everyone as I don't have time to. Most of them have already been covered in the previous blogs so read them first before posting. It should guide you to the right direction. Anyways, this post isn't really much about working out but just some pics from the past few weeks.
Some videos from my cali trip: ( we were just messing around.. I didn't really do any working sets. lol and I don't recommend it)
Some pictures from cali trip.
My rental. Don't ever buy one these they suck lol. It only gets 200 miles
to the tank :(
watched all the vids week ago or so, funny stuff and stop using your mrs as weights! also i asked you previously even though i know you had a thread on supplements i just wanted to know at the moment
what supplements do you currently take and say what order between which meals etc
hey bro, glad you had fun in cali. You and your girl look very perfect together. I've been following your working out advices and videos. Keep it up man.
Beautiful photos hanh. Love seeing you with the loved ones...even the big guys in the gym have lives out of there...
lol this is a little uncalled for and out of the open, but have you found a way to combat cravings and finding a way to keep food out of the pie hole? I REALLY want this but I go for my intense workout and the dominoes pizza the rest of my family bought for themselves is too strong...I guess this is just a matter of discipline but any advice would be good. It's just tough eating the SAME meals every day all day and I'm sure you get how that feels
I have a quick question though. Have you ever had any wrist sprains? If you did, how did you get past it? Did it last a long time?
I've had a wrist sprain before and it took me months to heal up and even though I can lift weights again now, It just doesn't feel the same. I feel as if I were to go heavy and try to break those plateaus I may sprain it again. I've been using wrist strap supports this time.
ae86- err post below cellmass, syntha6, nanovapor. same thing. Nothing new.
evan lam- thanks!
hyoriu- thanks!
treenofu- If I'm really trying to make gains I don't eat any junk at all. My metabolism is high that it would not make a significant difference if I do eat junk. Overall it would catch up to me. My energy level is crap and also its bad on my skin so I usually eat healthy.
emelianenkofan- Thanks! Ill look at it.
Thomas- thanks buddy. I've been slacking. Its hard to even motivate myself at this point.
Hyoriu- I haven't.. but I've had a broken left elbow and broken left wrist. So my left arm is not really the best it could be. I use wrist wraps and they help. I would not worry about the weight but try to go for a pump and slow down your reps. Also less rest time in between would work too. Work with what you have. Try focusing on your legs while your wrist heal up.
Hello! Since you've been working out for 4 years or so I was wondering have you ever been stuck on a plateau while building muscle and strength? If so, how did you overcome it? Thanks in advance.
Hey Hahn, I had a question about dumbbell bench pressing technique. I don't know why but at times I can feel a lot of pressure on my left shoulder, especially when I'm lifting heavier weights. Today, it got to the point where I felt a sharp pain. I was wondering if there was a specific technique or something I'm missing or that you can give some advice on the right way to do dumbbell bench presses?
Btw, I really enjoyed seeing the new vids with you, Frank, Jason, and Bart working out! I hope you had a great time in Cali!
Take a look at my blog, and see if you can give some advice =) (This goes to anyone willing to offer some help!)
hey hanh, i have a question for you. i've been working out for about 9 months and i've packed on decent muscle, but i've always had a little gut and it does not want to go away. You said that we should do cardio and cut out our carbs when we cut, but wont doing cardio make us lose muscle mass? I've worked hard to gain this muscle mass and i wouldnt want to lose it. I still want to pack on more muscle and lose the gut any suggestions? I'm 5'8 and weigh around 175-180 pounds right now. Should i worry about getting bigger muscle wise first and then cut later when i am satisfied? I looked at all your pictures and it seems that you've always had abs...just wondering what i should do to maintain/continue to grow muscle while losing my belly for my abs to show..
And also how many different types of exercises should i be doing for each muscle group.. it seems like i spend an hour and thirty to two hours in the gym..not sure if i'm doing to many exercises
i - with cardio, your right in thinking you will lose some muscle that is correct, thats why you need to find a good level between carbs and cardio to an extent where your not limiting your lifts/gains too much, some people prefer putting on the weight cause they will see more gains in lifts and looks and once they have reached a certain goal they will cut down from there and start over, other prefer trying to do both in one process so its personal preference really.
Rhys Tran- I got these red/ black ones from a friend. The last pair I got from cycle gear.
l0ngxnguyen- Plateau.. usually depends on my motivation/ diet/ rest.. etc. Just doing all the basic stuff but more..? I guess I don't know how to explain it. lol
Hong- Maybe you should lighten up the weight if you're feeling sharp pains.. I can't tell you cuz I don't know.
Nick- thanks nick.. hope you're keeping up.
i- please make a name.. lol its wierd responding to a letter. Cardio isn't going to make you lose muscle mass if you're going to feed it the proper nutrition. (protein) Your body will burn fat before it gets to muscles.
I have been trying the legs twice a week with very light weigthed due to a partially torn acl that is almost fully healed, i was wondering if you skip when legs are sore or do you work through the pain.
What do you think about people who don't work legs? I'm just trying to look good, and I do lots of cardio (running) so my legs have some size to them. I'm not looking for cuts in my legs or anything and I'm fine with how they look right now, so is it still necessary to work legs? I've heard doing squats releases "anabolic hormones" and all that, but I don't know how much of that is exaggerated BS.
ae86- No I don't measure. I've posted pics of what my food looks like so you can just get an idea. Its pretty simple.
Ironsoul22- I do legs twice a week whether I like it or not. lol (usually not)
Nick- awesome, good to hear.
Ungchamp slim ninja- Okay i will when i can
Mexicangringo_75- I will but I have nothing new..
Slim Ninja- I don't use NO explode. I use nanovapor by muscle tech. It works well for me. I havent tried jack3d
Treenofu- It's up to you. If you really want to pack on mass/strength then legs is where its at. As for just staying fit/ healthy then you can get by with cardio and some leg machines. It will work. As far as what I think about people.. well I don't think about other people. lol. What they want to work on or train is their choice. Everyone has their own goals and ideal physique and you can only judge yourself.
Thanks for the responses hanh, one more thing: diet.
Do you think I can just eat healthy (like you) and cut down some of the fat? (obviously I'd use less white rice though and more brown). I've tried going low carb, but man it's death. Cravings, bad gas, diarrhea, exhaustian, mood swings, heart problems; it's very effective but not good for people. I understand professionals doing it because it's what they do but if I just want to look good, not so much. I'm basically just asking if you think a healthy, balanced diet will lower my body fat. No more junk and sticking to complex carbs (rice/potatoes), veggies, and meat.
Treenofu- I think you dropped your carbs way too fast so your body didn't get a chance to adapt. Try to gradually lower it instead of cutting it low all of the sudden. Can you eat healthy and cut fat? Yes, Of course. You just need to do more cardio.
Hey Hanh, I'm 5'5 and I been working out for the past 2 months now and I went from 114 to 130 lbs and you can now kind of see my 6 pack. Mostly just weightlifting. I wasn't really strict on my dieting, I just ate less junk food. Now I'm gonna go full out dieting. When I was on the way to bulking up and gained a lot of muscle, I think I have also accumulated a small amount of fat. I'm pretty sure this was do to me not really dieting. Should I start doing some cutting or should I continue bulking up and then cut? My goal is to be 140 lbs and low in fat.
I'm not sure if you will answer this, but I'd just like to know what your playlist for the gym is like. Most of the songs I listen to get boring and repetative.
p.s. you inspire me on those tough days where you just want to stay home, I still make sure I go to the gym.
Hanh, on your last post there was a pic of your new purchased supplements. what is that stuff with the orange top? looks like anabolic halo. Also, i am looking to cut lots of fat that i stored to play football. I am taking a creatine supp... Can I cut the fat while gaining muscle mass by using my creatine and adding more cardio into my workouts?
Hey hanh, I have this rice crispy like crunching noise in my knees when I start to descend. I have had them for a long time but lately they got so loud people around me can hear them. I only hear the noises when I descend but not when I extend my knees again. I am guessing its cartilage degenerating from squatting heavy? I just wanted to know if you have those noises because they are pretty disturbing.Thanks a lot bro.
HanhChampion , I've been following the exercises and the routines from your videos . The problem is ,no matter how I try , I just can't manage to pack all of them within an hour ! The warm-up 10-15, the sets , the rest and the exercises adds up to more than an hour when I'm doing it. I've heard about how important it is to make the exercise within an hour . And to fit into the time frame , I have to sacrifice an exercise or two . Which doesn't make my workout feel complete as I could do better . Could you please take me through the timing of a workout session in detail ? Thanks a ton Hanh , and keep the videos coming I dig it man .
Hey Hanh, whey protein hurts my stomach for several hours. I've tried nitrotech, gnc, optimum and nature's best isopure. They all kill my stomach the same. Muscle Milk works but it has a bunch of carbs that I would rather get from food.
Have you ever had this problem? What brand of whey protein do you use?
hi hanh i made a blog and i'd apreciate it if you checked it out! http://hanhchampiongettingbigorcuttoned.blogspot.com/2011/04/hanhchampion-diets-and-gym-goals.html
hey hanh,i have msged this to your youtube aswell, i am just wondering that is it okay to eat whole weat pasta on a daily bases for carbs as in every meal? cus i read it off (http://en.allexperts.com/q/Nutrition-Dieting-939/2008/10/Rice-Vs-Pasta.htm) saying to eat it only 1s every 4 days and no more than that. u eat mostly rice and sometimes sweet potatoes, i've never seen u eat pasta so i am not too sure if that site is true or not. please give me a reply, thank you very much.
hey Hanh. I just posted some info about my current training split. Wondering if you could give me some advise on what you think. My goal is to shed lots of fat and get that toned/muscular look. Adding mass isnt my primary focus but getting ripped is haha. Check out my blog and let me know what you think if you could. http://aoboss.blogspot.com
I'll post more info on my diet and supplements as well as before pics by the end of this week. thanks in advance
Hey hanh I was wondering what was your routine when you first started out that changed your body the most? what kind was it, did you have any recovery issues? If you could go back now to when you started working out would you change your routine from what it was?
Man I keep having to re-watch videos to stay inspired! i check to see if you finally have posted a new blog like 3 times a week, but I understand the whole being busy thing. Anyways any tips on breaking plateaus?
Hey Hanh, I'm planning to start hitting the gym and start really working out soon after a few reads.. just a few questions..
For actual workouts for legs/arms/cardio and such you said to just stick to the basics. What are some actual basic workouts I can start off with, or should I just do some more research?
Also how do you know how much weight is light/moderate/heavy? Is it just up to personal judgement?
thanks baby for an amazing trip, i love you <3
ReplyDeletewatched all the vids week ago or so, funny stuff and stop using your mrs as weights! also i asked you previously even though i know you had a thread on supplements i just wanted to know at the moment
ReplyDeletewhat supplements do you currently take and say what order between which meals etc
wow the pictures are awesome it looks so cool in california...someday i will do this too, promise^^
ReplyDeletegreat post even though its not about workout..you should do more of this stuff and diet
hey bro, glad you had fun in cali. You and your girl look very perfect together. I've been following your working out advices and videos. Keep it up man.
ReplyDeleteYour badass man. Beast it up!!!
ReplyDeleteBeautiful photos hanh. Love seeing you with the loved ones...even the big guys in the gym have lives out of there...
ReplyDeletelol this is a little uncalled for and out of the open, but have you found a way to combat cravings and finding a way to keep food out of the pie hole? I REALLY want this but I go for my intense workout and the dominoes pizza the rest of my family bought for themselves is too strong...I guess this is just a matter of discipline but any advice would be good. It's just tough eating the SAME meals every day all day and I'm sure you get how that feels
Cool photos man. You and jenny look very good together. Also pleas check out my update,i have a question, its short, will take you 2min.Thanks
ReplyDeleteGood to see another post Hanh. Glad to see you're well. Looks like you had a great time. Keep up the hard work.
ReplyDeleteI have a quick question though. Have you ever had any wrist sprains? If you did, how did you get past it? Did it last a long time?
ReplyDeleteI've had a wrist sprain before and it took me months to heal up and even though I can lift weights again now, It just doesn't feel the same. I feel as if I were to go heavy and try to break those plateaus I may sprain it again. I've been using wrist strap supports this time.
Jenny- Love ya :)
ReplyDeleteae86- err post below cellmass, syntha6, nanovapor. same thing. Nothing new.
evan lam- thanks!
hyoriu- thanks!
treenofu- If I'm really trying to make gains I don't eat any junk at all. My metabolism is high that it would not make a significant difference if I do eat junk. Overall it would catch up to me. My energy level is crap and also its bad on my skin so I usually eat healthy.
emelianenkofan- Thanks! Ill look at it.
Thomas- thanks buddy. I've been slacking. Its hard to even motivate myself at this point.
Hyoriu- I haven't.. but I've had a broken left elbow and broken left wrist. So my left arm is not really the best it could be. I use wrist wraps and they help. I would not worry about the weight but try to go for a pump and slow down your reps. Also less rest time in between would work too. Work with what you have. Try focusing on your legs while your wrist heal up.
Hi Hanh , i wonder where did you get that sexy looking FOX gloves ?
ReplyDeleteHello! Since you've been working out for 4 years or so I was wondering have you ever been stuck on a plateau while building muscle and strength? If so, how did you overcome it? Thanks in advance.
ReplyDeleteHey Hahn, I had a question about dumbbell bench pressing technique. I don't know why but at times I can feel a lot of pressure on my left shoulder, especially when I'm lifting heavier weights. Today, it got to the point where I felt a sharp pain. I was wondering if there was a specific technique or something I'm missing or that you can give some advice on the right way to do dumbbell bench presses?
ReplyDeleteBtw, I really enjoyed seeing the new vids with you, Frank, Jason, and Bart working out! I hope you had a great time in Cali!
Take a look at my blog, and see if you can give some advice =) (This goes to anyone willing to offer some help!)
Looks like you had a solid trip man glad to see you enjoying yourself outside of the gym lol.
ReplyDeletehey hanh, i have a question for you.
ReplyDeletei've been working out for about 9 months and i've packed on decent muscle, but i've always had a little gut and it does not want to go away.
You said that we should do cardio and cut out our carbs when we cut, but wont doing cardio make us lose muscle mass? I've worked hard to gain this muscle mass and i wouldnt want to lose it. I still want to pack on more muscle and lose the gut any suggestions? I'm 5'8 and weigh around 175-180 pounds right now. Should i worry about getting bigger muscle wise first and then cut later when i am satisfied? I looked at all your pictures and it seems that you've always had abs...just wondering what i should do to maintain/continue to grow muscle while losing my belly for my abs to show..
And also how many different types of exercises should i be doing for each muscle group..
ReplyDeleteit seems like i spend an hour and thirty to two hours in the gym..not sure if i'm doing to many exercises
i - with cardio, your right in thinking you will lose some muscle that is correct, thats why you need to find a good level between carbs and cardio to an extent where your not limiting your lifts/gains too much, some people prefer putting on the weight cause they will see more gains in lifts and looks and once they have reached a certain goal they will cut down from there and start over, other prefer trying to do both in one process so its personal preference really.
ReplyDeleteyo Hanh, great blog. Could you come check my blog out please? Thanks man
ReplyDeletehey hanh just curious how tall are you?
ReplyDeletehey hanh I made a blog so you could help me out. Please please please help me out hanh thanks.
@meilian Hanh is about 5'9....visit his youtube channel for more info before posting question
ReplyDeletehey hanh, can you view my updated blog? and also let me know if i should adjust anything. thanks xD
Rhys Tran- I got these red/ black ones from a friend. The last pair I got from cycle gear.
ReplyDeletel0ngxnguyen- Plateau.. usually depends on my motivation/ diet/ rest.. etc. Just doing all the basic stuff but more..? I guess I don't know how to explain it. lol
Hong- Maybe you should lighten up the weight if you're feeling sharp pains.. I can't tell you cuz I don't know.
Nick- thanks nick.. hope you're keeping up.
i- please make a name.. lol its wierd responding to a letter. Cardio isn't going to make you lose muscle mass if you're going to feed it the proper nutrition. (protein) Your body will burn fat before it gets to muscles.
hmm, so do you measure your daily intake with protein carbs and fat? how much do you end up with on each scale
ReplyDeleteI have been trying the legs twice a week with very light weigthed due to a partially torn acl that is almost fully healed, i was wondering if you skip when legs are sore or do you work through the pain.
ReplyDeleteYep, I sure am. Up to about 145 right now, I bought a squat rack, floor mats, and "power tower" for the garage. Its coming together nicely.
ReplyDeleteHanh are you over 6ft bro, cause in your videos you look mad tall and HUGE man!
ReplyDeletehey just wondering, what is it you do for a living, are u a pro fitness coach? cuz I saw ur bikes video too =D so bike dealer haha
ReplyDeleteAwesome pictures. California is an amazing place to be !
ReplyDeletehey Hahn! please have a look at my blog i just made it today! http://ungchamp.blogspot.com/
ReplyDeletei'll be doing my best to stay consistent
hanh we need some more videos...keep up the hard work
ReplyDeleteput up more videos on youtube man!! the people want more! lol
ReplyDeletewhat are your thoughts about jack 3d? why do you choose NO explode over other energy supplements?
Hey Hanh,
ReplyDeleteWhat do you think about people who don't work legs? I'm just trying to look good, and I do lots of cardio (running) so my legs have some size to them. I'm not looking for cuts in my legs or anything and I'm fine with how they look right now, so is it still necessary to work legs? I've heard doing squats releases "anabolic hormones" and all that, but I don't know how much of that is exaggerated BS.
ae86- No I don't measure. I've posted pics of what my food looks like so you can just get an idea. Its pretty simple.
ReplyDeleteIronsoul22- I do legs twice a week whether I like it or not. lol (usually not)
Nick- awesome, good to hear.
Ungchamp slim ninja- Okay i will when i can
Mexicangringo_75- I will but I have nothing new..
Slim Ninja- I don't use NO explode. I use nanovapor by muscle tech. It works well for me. I havent tried jack3d
Treenofu- It's up to you. If you really want to pack on mass/strength then legs is where its at. As for just staying fit/ healthy then you can get by with cardio and some leg machines. It will work. As far as what I think about people.. well I don't think about other people. lol. What they want to work on or train is their choice. Everyone has their own goals and ideal physique and you can only judge yourself.
Thanks for the responses hanh, one more thing: diet.
ReplyDeleteDo you think I can just eat healthy (like you) and cut down some of the fat? (obviously I'd use less white rice though and more brown). I've tried going low carb, but man it's death. Cravings, bad gas, diarrhea, exhaustian, mood swings, heart problems; it's very effective but not good for people. I understand professionals doing it because it's what they do but if I just want to look good, not so much. I'm basically just asking if you think a healthy, balanced diet will lower my body fat. No more junk and sticking to complex carbs (rice/potatoes), veggies, and meat.
Treenofu- I think you dropped your carbs way too fast so your body didn't get a chance to adapt. Try to gradually lower it instead of cutting it low all of the sudden. Can you eat healthy and cut fat? Yes, Of course. You just need to do more cardio.
ReplyDeleteHey Hanh, I'm 5'5 and I been working out for the past 2 months now and I went from 114 to 130 lbs and you can now kind of see my 6 pack. Mostly just weightlifting. I wasn't really strict on my dieting, I just ate less junk food. Now I'm gonna go full out dieting. When I was on the way to bulking up and gained a lot of muscle, I think I have also accumulated a small amount of fat. I'm pretty sure this was do to me not really dieting. Should I start doing some cutting or should I continue bulking up and then cut? My goal is to be 140 lbs and low in fat.
ReplyDeleteI'm not sure if you will answer this, but I'd just like to know what your playlist for the gym is like. Most of the songs I listen to get boring and repetative.
ReplyDeletep.s. you inspire me on those tough days where you just want to stay home, I still make sure I go to the gym.
Hanh, on your last post there was a pic of your new purchased supplements. what is that stuff with the orange top? looks like anabolic halo. Also, i am looking to cut lots of fat that i stored to play football. I am taking a creatine supp... Can I cut the fat while gaining muscle mass by using my creatine and adding more cardio into my workouts?
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteHey hanh, I have this rice crispy like crunching noise in my knees when I start to descend. I have had them for a long time but lately they got so loud people around me can hear them. I only hear the noises when I descend but not when I extend my knees again. I am guessing its cartilage degenerating from squatting heavy? I just wanted to know if you have those noises because they are pretty disturbing.Thanks a lot bro.
ReplyDeleteHanhChampion , I've been following the exercises and the routines from your videos . The problem is ,no matter how I try , I just can't manage to pack all of them within an hour ! The warm-up 10-15, the sets , the rest and the exercises adds up to more than an hour when I'm doing it. I've heard about how important it is to make the exercise within an hour . And to fit into the time frame , I have to sacrifice an exercise or two . Which doesn't make my workout feel complete as I could do better . Could you please take me through the timing of a workout session in detail ? Thanks a ton Hanh , and keep the videos coming I dig it man .
ReplyDeleteHey Hanh, whey protein hurts my stomach for several hours. I've tried nitrotech, gnc, optimum and nature's best isopure. They all kill my stomach the same. Muscle Milk works but it has a bunch of carbs that I would rather get from food.
ReplyDeleteHave you ever had this problem? What brand of whey protein do you use?
Also, I tried Jack3d. It's good stuff.
hi hanh i made a blog and i'd apreciate it if you checked it out!
:D keep up the good work lol
btw ^^ my proflie is
hey hanh,i have msged this to your youtube aswell, i am just wondering that is it okay to eat whole weat pasta on a daily bases for carbs as in every meal? cus i read it off (http://en.allexperts.com/q/Nutrition-Dieting-939/2008/10/Rice-Vs-Pasta.htm) saying to eat it only 1s every 4 days and no more than that. u eat mostly rice and sometimes sweet potatoes, i've never seen u eat pasta so i am not too sure if that site is true or not. please give me a reply, thank you very much.
ReplyDeletehey Hanh. I just posted some info about my current training split. Wondering if you could give me some advise on what you think. My goal is to shed lots of fat and get that toned/muscular look. Adding mass isnt my primary focus but getting ripped is haha. Check out my blog and let me know what you think if you could. http://aoboss.blogspot.com
ReplyDeleteI'll post more info on my diet and supplements as well as before pics by the end of this week. thanks in advance
Hey hanh I was wondering what was your routine when you first started out that changed your body the most? what kind was it, did you have any recovery issues? If you could go back now to when you started working out would you change your routine from what it was?
ReplyDeleteHey Hanh,
ReplyDeleteWe get your busy and its hard to make videos, but how about some progress pics to keep the motivation going for the rest of us,
cheers :)
Man I keep having to re-watch videos to stay inspired! i check to see if you finally have posted a new blog like 3 times a week, but I understand the whole being busy thing. Anyways any tips on breaking plateaus?
ReplyDeleteThank you Hahn
ReplyDeleteyou are such a trooper and inspiration!
Hey Hanh, I'm planning to start hitting the gym and start really working out soon after a few reads.. just a few questions..
ReplyDeleteFor actual workouts for legs/arms/cardio and such you said to just stick to the basics. What are some actual basic workouts I can start off with, or should I just do some more research?
Also how do you know how much weight is light/moderate/heavy? Is it just up to personal judgement?