Tuesday, September 20, 2011

September 2011 Update.

Oops. I've been really lazy and sitting by the computer gives me a headache. (Maybe its this 40" screen, lol) Anyways I thought maybe I  should update my blog.

Some pics from August! I went to Vancouver for Jenny's birthday!  (you're still young baby :)
Going downtown!
At science world.. well in front of it.
Next to Canada Place.

Lots of walking.. we're waiting for the bus!
At the beach.. its so bright and the rocks are sharp. lol
Beautiful place but... They charge you for everything!

Jenny's dog. Cookie. LOL she's chillin.

In Seattle. Space Needle.
Biking the seawall in Vancouver.

Jenny's Vlog of us in vancouver.

Jenny's Vlog of us going to Seattle, WA.
Back to Texas... got a new toy I've been wanting since forever.

and of course it couldn't stay stock for a day. lol
New stand. Way better than my 10$ one. It has a built in remote!

Frank came to Texas. So we did some deadlifts with Jonathan Irizarry.

Okay blogger is being real slow so I can't upload more pics at the time.

Thanks to all my blog followers. You guys  seem to the the intelligent group of people. All the people I run into in real life that follows my blog and have gained results, thanks for saying Hi and I'm glad you're making good use of this.