
Wednesday, February 2, 2011

HanhChampion's gym guide for starters

I'm writing this for the guys that have decided to take the step on improving themselves. I'm not going to lie. This isn't easy. It's not a walk in the park. It's not buying a bolt-on accessory and having 18 inch arms installed the next day. You're going to have to do some work. Hence its called a workout. The more time/ money you invest in this; the faster the results will come. Yes it costs money for food, supplementation, gym membership, etc etc. It's expensive. Life is expensive. If you want a nice car you're going to have to spend some money on it. Think of what car you can get for $1500 vs $15000 vs $150,000. Get the idea? If you want nice things it will cost you. Here we're aiming for a nice physique. 
Go to the gym.      For those that ask me to do 'home workouts' the answer is no. I'm not going to make stuff up that I don't do. If you want to buy used equipment and have space to train at home you can do so. The thing about that is that it is convenient. So you can always put it off till later. Later tends to be tomorrow.. and delayed till next week. That's why people always sell their used gym equipment that has barely even been touched.

Buying a gym membership is a good idea. So try out a few gyms and see which ones you like. They usually have free trials on their websites.

Try going on weekends and avoid peek hours (usually 4pm-7pm) because the gym is packed. This will give you more time to get familiar with the equipments so you won't be in a rush.

Wear proper gym attire. You're not going to go diving in a track suit, and you're not going to go riding in a diving suit. So get some gym clothes and shoes. Jeans and dress shoes are not the best idea for weight lifting. I think you get the idea and I don't need to explain further. 

Don't give up.     I've heard this quote so many times "I'm starting the gym, again" Keyword there is "AGAIN" meaning you quit. I've kept up with this since 2006 and stuck with it so if you want results you're going to have to not quit. There's been times where I was consumed in work that I was so tired. I still managed to go to the gym just to keep up with what I gained. All the money you spend on yourself you can lose all within a matter of weeks if you quit. There are times I was injured from riding. Injured from working out. I tore my chest about 10 times. I still went and did legs. I got nice legs out of injuring my chest so that turned out well. Whatever you do just don't quit.

Don't worry about other people.
     Focus on yourself. Before you go work out; have your mindset to going in there and getting your training done. That's it. Don't worry about if someone's bigger than you. Lifting 10x more weights than you. Don't worry about people looking at you. Chances are nobody pays attention to you when you start. You're there for yourself.

Do it for you.     Whatever your motivation may be... it should all come down to just doing it for yourself. Not to get women. Looks will get you there but personality keeps you there. So if you're aiming just for looks you're seriously going to attract the wrong type of females. Anyways, you're doing it because you want to improve yourself.

One step at a time.   This is all about progress. Whether you're fat or skinny we all have to start somewhere. We have to crawl before we walk. So take things one step at a time. You're not going to go in the gym for the first time and bench 405lbs. I could barely do 95 lbs when I started. Get familiar with the machines and equipment there first. You don't have to add much weight to start with. So set a steady pace to start off with and when you get the hang of things then push yourself harder every week.

It's also very important to warm up. It will help you avoid injuries. No matter if you're a beginner or advanced its still very important. So spend about 5-10 minutes stretching and warming up before jumping to the weights. Even with the weights don't jump to the heaviest ones so quick. Give yourself some time to get the blood flowing first.

    Sleep early if you can. This when you actually grow. You don't grow when you're lifting. So get a good 8hrs rest if you can. Get up early so you can fit more meals in your schedule. Naps also help you recover so if you have time do that too. Take one or two rest days a week to let your muscles fully recover. You'll pretty much feel sore everyday but that's normal. So get used to the pain.

Water.     This is very important for working out. You need a good amount of water. I get in about 2 gallons a day. It makes a big difference for recovery and lifting. No, you can not have too much water. Your body is mostly made of water. Yes you have to run to the bathroom every 30mins to an hour but that's just how it is.

    None of this will work if you can't eat right. Basic dieting has been already covered here:

Supplements.     The base of muscle growth is protein. So whether you're bulking or dieting you're going to need protein to build muscle. No, fat does not turn into muscle. Muscle cannot turn into fat. They are two completely different compounds. You can watch the basic supplement video here:

Workout routine? Stick to the basics.     Lets not re-invent the wheel. Do what already is known to work. Whatever your routine is try to implement these three main compound lifts: Squats, Bench, Dead lifts. They're going to give you the fastest gains as they target multiple muscles. Leave the isolated movements (tricep extensions, bicep curls, etc.. ) at the end of your workout or at the end of your workout week. Start the hard stuff first because you will have more energy. I would say legs because they take up a lot of energy since you use your whole body for balance. As far as days of working out and time; that is dependent of your own schedule. These are just some examples.

Example workout routine for bulking.
Day 1: Legs
Day 2: Chest/ triceps
Day 3: Back/ biceps
Day 4: Shoulders
Day 5: Legs
Day 6: Rest day
Day 7: Rest day
Weight training time: 1 hour
Sets: 3 to 5 sets
Rep ranges: 10-12 moderate, 8-10 heavy, 6-8 heavy
Weights: moderate to heavy
Rest time: 1-2 minutes in-between sets

This would be good for those that have very low fat and want to pack on size. Gradually increase your weights to heavy since you're starting out. Heavy weights build denser muscles and forces muscles to grow, along with proper supplementation and diet of course. Remember if you have fat on you and you try to bulk then it would only keep the existing fat there and also increase your current percentage of fat. 

Example workout routine for cutting.
Day 1: Legs + Cardio

Day 2: Chest/ triceps + Cardio
Day 3: Back/ biceps + Cardio
Day 4: Shoulders + Cardio
Day 5: Legs + Cardio
Day 6: Cardio
Day 7: Rest day

Weight training time:
30-45 minutes
Cardio training time: 15 minutes + add 5 minutes every week
Rep ranges: 12-15 with lighter weights
Weights: light weights
Rest time: 30 seconds to 1 minute in-between sets

For those that have some fat on them this would be good. Weights are not as important as the cardio at this time. No matter how much you lift you won't see any type of definition underneath the fat. So you'll probably be discouraged from all your hard work and quit. I've had a lot of people tell me this so I'm saving you the time now. For cardio, start off walking on the treadmill say for 15 minutes the first week and increase the pace / time gradually every week. Add 5 minutes each week so you wont burn yourself out. It becomes too difficult and you're not going to want to be consistent with it. Remember its all about progress. The higher the intensity/ duration the more fat you will burn. Your body will burn carbs off first as a primary source of energy. Once that is depleted then it will switch to fat as secondary source of energy. This is where it interacts with dieting as I explained about reducing the amount of carbs or having no carbs at all.

If you've taken the time to read this far and have a good understanding then you will do well. I've written this as if I were to go back when I started I would tell myself what I know now and this is it!


  1. i started reading it when you were attacking me with rubs :)

  2. You like the burger too don't ya? :D

  3. What do u think about upping the volume instead of doing Cardio?
    For example 10x5 of 70% RM Squats should make an impact on your metabolism/burn calories.

  4. this guys a big help to all of us who workout and want to improve ourselves, i was always a gym goer, but when i started watching hanhs vids, my programme has increased and im training harder then ever.
    people....dont ask so much of the man, take the info and advice he has given u, use it and watch yourself grow

  5. dang very well written blog, i've been tryna cut back i started on nov 17th 2010 at 249 lbs and i lost 21 lbs since around jan 12th 2011 but its been hard for me to diet because like you said its expensive and all and i don't have that kind of money yet since im still in high school. Its been about 2 weeks and I only lost 1-2 lbs. I'm at 226ish now without dieting so yeah its hard. But I still have my motivation to do better so yeah thanks ^^

  6. another amzing post! God i always get motivated reading your stuff

  7. Hello Hanh, i got a question you that might seen as strange, but i still have to ask, i been reading your blogg over and over, im very motivatied to go full out, yes i have quite alot of time, tried at home with my full gym eqqippment, and you train one day and you say's for yourself, i will do a other pass soon, and soon ends up a week or even longer. This time i will but alot of money and energy to take my time to sleep right, eat right and train right. But there is just onething that i haven't got right. How many times to your recommand to train every day?? Because i really want to get everything right. Im very use to train, but not workout but i know what i take to become heavy and healthy. I'll get up a blogg very soon and i will post my progress by the time and if you have time i would really take the advices.

    Sorry for the bad english ;D School never been my life style sadly enough and im either english :P Sweden ftw ;)!

  8. AHAHAHA nice background man LOL. I hope those are whole grain buns and there aren't mayo/thousand island/mustard/ketchup in there.

  9. Strength- just stick to what works for burning fat. Which is cardio. Treadmill is all you need. Even professional body builders use it for dieting. It's simple and it works.

    Wecanallsucceed- thanks

    aznrayboy916- Np just take your time with it. If you lose too much too fast it would be hard for the skin to tighten up.

    ArussTos- Thanks

    Svens- Once a day for beginners. Unless you want to split off cardio in the morning and weight lifting at night if you prefer. Again it is dependent on your personal schedule.

    JustLikeDat- Lol.

  10. I think this will be great for new enthusiasts to use as a stepping stone and have basic knowledge of what they can try as far as lifting and taking note of whats important great work.
    also i updated my blog if you wanted to check it out.


  11. Finally a blog that I can relate too. I like your perspective on working out although I'm not as dedicated as you are. However, it is refreshing and an inspiration to watch your videos as well as reading your info-packed blogs!
    I go to the gym at least 2 times a week and finally, today I hit a personal high....I dumbbell pressed 100lbs in each hand. My goal for the summer is to hit 120lbs in each. Any suggestions you can offer on pushing ahead on my goal please do!
    Keep up the cool work Hanh!

  12. David- I looked at it and replied.

    Ken- You might need a few more days in the gym to develop other parts such as shoulders, back, legs.. they all will help you increase strength overall. 2 times a week may be good for just staying healthy. For mass / strength gains you would need to invest more days training.

  13. this is really useful stuff to keep in mind, Hanh. Good post.

    Also, I hope you're having a good Tet, if you celebrate it lol. Don't eat too much banh chung ;)

  14. Vu- Thank you. I eat the same thing every day. Holidays are just another day. We all have a choice for what we put in our body.

  15. good writeup, always something new to learn, thanks Hanh

  16. Well if you only train once a day and eat 5-8 meals, for me it sounds like you would just keep building fat. But your more perhaps know that part better then me, so i'll just keep the faith on you on that part :P

  17. Thanks for the quick advice. I used to go consistently 3 to 4 even 5 times a week once upon a lifetime. That was when I was diagnosed with high cholesterol. The doctor gave me two options: controlling it with meds or watch your diet and workout... I chose the latter. It's all for the better.
    Working out is not new to me, I've always been an active person, softball is my summer passion here in NYC and I was on a varsity fencing team in college. So, working out is always part of my life style.
    Bulking is not where I want to be at my stage in life so I think I'll do a scaled down version of your "cutting" routine for this summer and lets see where this takes me! You're absolutely right about spending a little more time at gym though!
    Happy Chinese New Year to You and Yours,


  18. Awesome post and thanks for the info! just a question regarding cutting.
    If im doing a 45min session on the treadmill, what speed/pace should i be doing it? power walk or jog? should i also be having a nealry no carb diet?


  19. nice post hanh ;)

    one question, how much protein should i take every day? I´m 75kg (165 lbs)
    some people say that you are gaining fat if you take to much protein every day.

    sry for the bad english,

  20. Tomas- Thanks!
    Kvn- Thanks!

    Ken- I can only give you some suggestions based on what you tell me. Whatever your goals are, its up to you.

    ZZR88- Pace is up to you. The higher the intensity/ duration the more you will burn. As far as no carbs.. it's up to how fast you want to burn fat. Carbs are a primary source of energy. So if the body doesn't have carbs for energy then it will burn the fat as a secondary source of energy. If you have low carbs.. it will burn those carbs first and then start burning the fat. Get it?

    mike- Its usually not the protein that makes you fat unless it has a high fat content. Fat/ carbs build fat if they are not used then they are stored in the body.

  21. would be more eat lift sleep repeat but anyway

  22. what should I do while having holidays ?
    sometimes I´m not at home for 4 weeks and i can´t hit the gym.

  23. mike- next time you say you can't do something... think of "HOW CAN YOU DO IT?" when you say you can't do something, you shut your brain off from thinking of any possibilities that could get you to the gym.

  24. good information bro ! keep it coming

  25. Dude ever since I found your youtube videos ive been lifting weights more heavily and more devoted than ever. I wanna thank you for driving this dedication back in my workouts

  26. how many carbs/protein grams do you get a day?

  27. Hey, how do you deal with uneven body parts? For example (left shoulder is bigger then the right). Do you just do an extra set or 2 every time I work out shoulders?

  28. AnaModernFitness- Thanks, I added you. Nice blog.

    Antuanfosho- Thanks. Hope it helps.

    Chathura- I dont know. I don't count them.

    Daryl- np

    Haro- Give it some time. Usually parts are uneven when you start off. Eventually it'll get better. Even professional body builders are not 100% symmetrical.

  29. Hey i was wondering im korean 20 years old and 5'10" and 220 lbs i used to play football and i gain a lot of muscle weight so i was about 215 with like 12 % body fat but now recently i got hurt dead lifting so my lower back is tweaked a bit any advice in recovery? And any help in with cutting the weight bc now i see its harder to cut than it is to pack on muscle. Btw nice bmw u ever go to bimmerfest?

  30. Nice advice hanh, man its so hard to keep up with these diets. But I guess take it one step at a time =D

    Btw can you check out my blog and tell me how my workout routine is ?

  31. Hanh, I'm stuck on my plateau for couple months now and I don't usually do legs and don't eat that much. Now that I read your blog I'm starting to do more dead-lift, power clean and squats along with a meal every two hours. You think those will help me overcome my plateau along with the sample workout out you posted for beginners? (even though I dont consider myself a beginner and surely not at a advance level yet.)

  32. Cheers for the write up. I quit the gym about 2 years ago due to work/uni leaving me with no time. I never trained as hard as you, but built quite a bit of muscle in two years.

    I recently started again and thanks to your' and frank's videos, I have been training harder than ever before. I eat like a machine and people think I am stupid/crazy for doing so, but I have never seen such gains so quick. It's been almost 3 months and I am already squatting 265 pounds.

    Still have yet to start on supplements, but that will be in the near future. Never been this dedicated at anything before. The benefits are flowing from the gym to my personal life as my discipline grows.

    Keep up the good work!

  33. hey hanh i played defensive lineman in high school and our coach pretty much made us eat plenty of carbs so we cud gain weight. Well football seasons over with now and now im trying to cut off all of this fat(mostly belly fat) but still keep muscles and strength from football whats a good workout routine and diet you would give a person like me

  34. Michael you should read the blog.
    Example workout routine for cutting.
    Day 1: Legs + Cardio
    Day 2: Chest/ triceps + Cardio
    Day 3: Back/ biceps + Cardio
    Day 4: Shoulders + Cardio
    Day 5: Legs + Cardio
    Day 6: Cardio
    Day 7: Rest day
    Weight training time: 30-45 minutes
    Cardio training time: 15 minutes + add 5 minutes every week
    Rep ranges: 12-15 with lighter weights
    Weights: light weights
    Rest time: 30 seconds to 1 minute in-between sets

  35. l0ngxnguyen you said you were stuck on a plateau for a couple of month? That's a little stupid of you to stick to a routine for months when you know you're not getting result. Stop what you're doing and follow Hanhs routine:
    Example workout routine for bulking.
    Day 1: Legs
    Day 2: Chest/ triceps
    Day 3: Back/ biceps
    Day 4: Shoulders
    Day 5: Legs
    Day 6: Rest day
    Day 7: Rest day
    Weight training time: 1 hour
    Sets: 3 to 5 sets
    Rep ranges: 10-12 moderate, 8-10 heavy, 6-8 heavy
    Weights: moderate to heavy
    Rest time: 1-2 minutes in-between sets
    People hit plateaus when they keep doing the same routine with the same weights for longer then 4-7 weeks. Stop doing your routine and follow the one above. Hope this help.

  36. blckbimmer22- Well being Korean has nothing to do with working out. lol.. I don't know why people state their race here. I would stay away from anything that would stress your lower back. There's plenty of machines you can use to build muscles. It's not as efficient as free weights but it will be fine while you heal. Lack of nutrition/ water/ supplementation/ rest/ warm ups can lead to injuries. Next time you'll know. As far as cutting I've already written it out here.

    Steve- Looks okay. Maybe add some cardio since you told me you want to lean up a bit.

    l0ngxnguyen- Will it work? Results may vary. Nothing is guaranteed. I'm obviously not going to take a lot of time writing all of this just to waste everyone's time. Its all up to you how you train and everything outside of the gym. If you push yourself and give it time you should see results. Otherwise you're not doing something right. I see people train for years and not know the importance of drinking enough water.

    Dan- People always have something to say. Especially when people know you. They don't like to see you doing better than them. So like I mentioned: don't worry about other people. Just do what it takes.

    Michael- The cutting routine works. If you want to maintain your muscle then you need to feed it the proper nutrition. Carbs will help you gain weight but bad weight if its not going to be used.

  37. since there are 2 leg days, how do you work that out? do you work on strength for day 1 and work on higher reps for day 5? Is the 2nd leg workout lighter intensity?

    good read, thanks!

  38. Trung Van Nguyen- Try only giving suggestions. People might be offended if you call them stupid. Most people are new and they're just trying to learn. Suggestions are best so its up to them to take the advice or not. Sometimes its not the workout but everything outside of the gym. There's too many variables.

    Lawrence Yu- Good question. First leg day is usually squats and some machines. Second leg day I usually do leg press and more focused movements. Just do the best you can because at the end of the week you usually won't have as much energy. It's just an example workout. So if you need more chest; you may want to put that at the beginning and end of the week. I'll make another post on how to make your own routine later but I think this covers the basics and gives people the general idea.

  39. Great blog Hanh. I really enjoy reading it and there's tons of useful info here.

    I was wondering: if you're going to include cardio into your workout to cut fat, is it better to run before or after hitting the weights? I've heard reasons for both, but I'm still not quite sure. Thanks.

  40. Have you done anything about being sick yet? Any tips would be helpful, i'm on day 3 now lol...

  41. Mahj- I would do weights first then cardio to finish it off. Weights take more energy and focus. Cardio is just using your feet.

    Nick- I was sick for a few days... lol I just do what I do regularly. I eat regularly and still went to workout as hard as I can. It went away fast. Its just me though. It might not be the best for everyone.

  42. Great blog Hanh. I'm just wondering one thing about the splits. I did chest on monday and now I'm working back on tuesday. But when I'm trying to do a pull up or deadlift, since my chest is sore, it feels tense and hurts when I try to do my back exercises. Is this normal and am I overtraining or something? I know I'm using good form and choosing appropriate weight. Thanks hanh, I just needed to ask cus I didn't want to just work out once a week and keep switching muscle groups lol

  43. sup hanh, thanks for posting up all of the stuff on the blogs. I just wanted to ask, do you think its a good routine to workout 2 parts of the body on a certain day. ex. monday = chest+arms+cardio and then on thurs = shoulders and back. The rest of the days i mostly do cardio and legs. because im tryin to cut off some fat. i Jus wanted an opinion from someone who knows what there doing.

  44. Hey hanh thanks for all your help. You're really benefiting me and i can see you're changing others too. Could i get some tips please?
    God bless ya man, from redneck tennessee lolol.

  45. hi there hashim from malaysia. useful tips for starters.keep up hanh

  46. hey hanh,
    mabe a suggestion for a backing track to your next workout should give it a listen.

  47. Is there a website/magazine/book where you get your information from or one that will help design a workout?

  48. Hello Hanh, great blog.

    I know there is no 'quick route' and you yourself have been working out for 4-5 years, but in your own experience, if a beginner started to eat well and start taking their workouts seriously, how do should it be to start seeing a noticable difference?

    As beginners we start to lose motivation when we dont see a quick fix! lol

    As you have mention hard work pays off!

  49. Hi Hanh

    I'm into my second week and I still feel too sore to squat the same weight or increase in weight. I wasn't sure what to do, so I worked out with less weight instead of waiting anymore for my legs to recover. I already skipped my Monday squats.

    What do you recommend when you are still sore from previous weeks? I feel if I am not adding weight or at least using the same weight as prior weeks that I am cheating myself of a work-out.


  50. Awesome Stuff Hanh! I will be following almost all of your advice with updated pictures of everything! Thanks for taking the time to blog!

  51. sup champ..i was wondering how do you take your protein and there an order that you follow?


  52. Hey Hanh,
    What do you recommend? Cardio before or after weights?

  53. Hey Hanh, if I simply cannot get a 5 day per week workout regime, I know I'm going to get half-ass results, but could you tell me the order of importance in working out body parts? (my guess would be: legs, chest, back, tricep, biceps, shoulders) I just want to make sure I can do the best I possibly can, even if I can't follow everyone on this blog to complete success.

  54. Hey Hanh, can you post a video of a new bicep routine workout? I want to try out a different bicep routine but have no ideas.

  55. nice post man, maybe post your workout routine and what exercises you do and how many reps/sets.

  56. Anthony Nguyen- Everything hurts. Get used to it.

    DizxAzianxBK- You can workout whatever you want. I just listed what I would recommend already.

    Isaac Cho- There's not much I can tell you. I've listed everything here on this blog already.

    Team L200S- Thanks!

    WeCanAllSucceed- Thanks.

    lil' Wayne- Just work on what you need to work on. As long as you do the main stuff I listed.

    ryo_nakata- For beginners.. if you do everything exactly as I've stated you will see gains the next few days after working out. Supplements and food will help pack on weight fast for beginners. It gets harder as you go along but the first few months you can see significant changes.

    Chris- You're sore because your muscles are still adapting to changes. You need to keep doing it. Yes it hurts.

    TeeJay- Thanks!

    richard- read the label..

    Trung Van Nguyen- weights then cardio.

    treenofu- legs / chest / back... the rest are already used in those compound movements.

    lil_sweet_aznboii- Its not important for beginners.

    Paul Vu- thanks.. I will try to make a better post about sets and reps.. etc.. this is just the basics.

  57. What do you recommend? Weights - Shake - Cardio or Weights - Cardio - Shake?

  58. Hanh ... May I know how long had you train for this physique ? I trained for a year + already , my body transformed alot but still not as nice as yours !

  59. im new at this and i already posted on my blog please take a look?

  60. Thanks for this guide, Hanh. I really appreciate it.

  61. Hi Hahn,

    I'm currently trying to lose weight and I have been going to the gym 5 days a week. I was just wondering what kind of leg workouts and upper body trainings should I do? So far my workout is 20 min cardio (10 min on bike and 10 min on treadmill) then 3 sets of 12 of dumbbell press, dead lifts, squats and very fail pull ups... Do u have any recommendations I want to follow ur workout schedule for cutting and I would just like to know what are the most efficient workouts for that schedule.
    I know I should start a blog for you to help me but since I just started this workout I wanna get used to it first.

    Thank you!

  62. sup hanh.i feel liked i got scammed at fitness19. i called them and there free enrollment and monthly pay 12 a month sounded good.(its pretty small gym, so i thought the pay was reasonable) As when i got there.They charged $70 for enrollment and a $49 lock due fee. i know u need to invest for working out, but this is BS LOL. im afraid they mite but some random fees or something later on. Have u encountered this? what did you do? thanks in advance

  63. Han, just wondering if this would be alright for my diet plan:

    Breakfast = Cereal and fruit
    Lunch = Salad
    Snack = Granola bar
    Dinner = Chicken strips with side of veggies


  64. at limehead...

    i think u need wayyyyyyyy more food throughout the day

    i mean.. cuz u only eat salad for lunch?

    u eat chicken strips with veggies for dinner?

    i think u should eat dinner 4~5times a day lol

    besides chicken strips u r not getting any protein lol

    unless u r protein shake freak lol

  65. Hanh, I love your videos and blog. I was inquiring about your workout routine. I saw your blog website, I know the nutrition, however, I am having a hard time establishing a workout routine and the exercises it takes to fulfill the program. I am 15 years old and weigh 180 LBS. and am currently 5'7''. To tell you the truth I used to eat like junk so I look like junk however now I am not all fat. I know the right nutrition it takes. So please Hanh, could you help me with my workout exercises and routine plan? In addition, I was wondering when do you take your supplements? I know what types of supplements and how you take them, I am just confused on when you should take them. Thank you for your time and if there is any extra information that I should know please tell me.

  66. nice post. great post. how long it took for your tore chest to recover?

  67. Hey Hanh, I try to eat 5-6 meals a day, but it's hard while I'm at school. I usually have 3 "real" meals and 2-3 whey protein shakes with oatmeal...I am trying to put on muscle now and I want to know if u have any advice/suggestions. Thanks for the inspiration!!!

  68. Hey hanh, i work out 3 days a week due to work and school and during my work/school days i can eat at least about 4 meals and on my work out days i can eat about 5-6, im trying to bulk up with having some fat on the stomach :( so was wondering if you have any advice about what should i do or how i should do things to being able to develop and show muscle gain since i cant work out 6 days a week. Thanks again and keep up the good work :)

  69. Hello, I have been working out on my own for the past 2 months but I just recently have gotten more serious. You have inspired me to further better myself, thank you very much! I will be posting pictures on my blog tomorrow if you would like to see and I'll be updating my pictures and progress as much as I can. And about the meals, Since I go to school from 8am to 3pm what do you recommend I do for meals at school, should I keep healthy snacks in my locker? Thank you very much and here is the link to my blog:








    SAT/SUN- REST???

  71. Hi,i'm a college student from Taiwan,i saw your youtube channel occasionally,then i get here.
    it's kind of you to spend time writing this useful stuff for begginers like me,just want to say thanks and show my best regards to you!

  72. Hey Hanh, thanks for this info. I'm keen to get started on it but I had a question that I haven't been able to answer looking through all of your videos/articles.

    My wife trains with me pretty often (in the gym with me, not always doing what I'm doing), helps her stay motivated to have someone to workout with, and up until now I've been able to modify her routine to her needs. Diet has always been a big issue with us though (so many fads to sift through). I love your diet for myself, but how could I modify it for my wife, who's trying to stay lean instead of getting big? Does she need as much protein, supplementation, etc?

    Her goals are to stay lean but toned - have a good shape.

    Thanks very much!

  73. Hey Hanh this has nothing to do with workout but I always wanted to know, what do you do for a living? Cause u have a nice motorcycle and a sweet car. So i just wanted to know what do you do that you could afford those rides

  74. H! hans! Im 18 yrs. old and 110 lbs. I am kinda like underweight....
    what is the proper workout for me?? I really want to gain weight as soon as possible!
    coz I have plans to join the military! thank you

  75. All very helpful. Thank you very much for sharing. This happens to be more than a so called friend would have done. Not to put any one down, but my appreciation is extended to you because, this is the kind of instruction one needs to help gain perseverance. A person can go on and on, trying to accomplish a goal. Although, efforts go unrewarded; unless you apply proper technique.

  76. Is it OK to squash all those things into 3 days:

    Day 1: Legs + Cardio
    Day 2: Chest/ triceps + Cardio
    Day 3: Back/ biceps + Cardio
    Day 4: Shoulders + Cardio
    Day 5: Legs + Cardio
    Day 6: Cardio

    Day 1: Legs, chest + Cardio
    Day 2: Back/ biceps, shoulders + Cardio
    Day 3: Triceps, Legs + Cardio


  77. I just want to say this much

    Your blog was one of the things that got me motivated to turn my life around, so THANK YOU for that! And if you feel interested, so I have started to write on a blog to so check it out if you find the time!

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  78. what do you recommend for cardio low fat?

  79. as far as the workout routine for cutting, how many sets do you recommend of each workout?

  80. I would like to ask you the reduce the belly fat and build the muscle workout as well.

    I 'm 36 165 cm 56kg, fat around 20 % than muscle. I 'm very concern about the belly fat. I running two days a week in 30 mins, feel very tired to increase the time. I 'm not always eat the chips, ice-cream or chocolate may be one or three times per month. As I know the calories around 1300-1440 with my body weight.

    What is the workout sustain the weight slight increase and lose belly fat?
    Is it do the two things at the same day ? I 'm grateful to you for your suggestion.

  81. Hey Hanh,
    I'm 17 am 6'1 and weigh 132 lbs. I've been trouble gaining weight and mass, I've been trying to eat more meat and protein in general, but I can't seem to make any significant gains.
    Do you have any recommendations for gaining more muscle weight?

  82. Thanks for this site. Im 27 and this is my first time working out. I weight 220 and im 5"11 and want to get this fat off,my stomach but want big arms. How should i lose the fat but still get big?

  83. thank you for sharing nice information this blog. i am very impressed your blog.

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  84. Hi. I have a question. What music is this (background) and what kind of music u listen to the gym?

    regards from estonia

  85. Thanks for all the motivation and work to try and make everyone healthier. I have one question though. I am extremely busy but still make time for the gym. However some days I only have about 30 minutes total. I am using your cutting workout that uses cardio and weights. Some days I simply run out of time and have to get a shower and get to work. If I know that I'll have to bail early, of the two, which part should I cut short, the cardio or weights? Thanks, and keep it up.

  86. Awesome workout-routine i'm also follow this routine thanks HanhChampion for solved many queries about GyM

  87. as far as the workout routine for cutting, how many sets do you recommend of each workout?

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  88. Hey Hanh...been watching and learning from your videos for sometimes now.

    I would like to ask you a few questions if you don't mind responding since i know your a pretty busy.
    Question #1 How tall are you? #2 How many Calories do you eat in a day..

    Thank you in advance....would be very helpful

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