
Saturday, February 19, 2011

Update for Feburary 19, 2011

I'm still here. I didn't quit blogging if you're just wondering. I actually like posting on here. I just wanted to give people a chance to see the beginners guide below. I think it should cover a lot of the basics.

So last month I was sick for a week and I still maintained my weight around 183 at the time. I still ate and trained regularly. It was hell and I had a hard time breathing. My nose burned too. Its been snowing and sleet and I still managed to drive to the gym. Whatever. Complaints wont get you anywhere.
January 26 2011
More chicken breast
More beef
More water.
even more water. lol

Reloaded on supplements- Protein/ creatines and nitric oxide.
This is about 300$ worth and will last me for about 2 months.
Jenny got me a new hat for the gym :) Thanks baby.
I thought I lost a peice of my headphone so I got new ones.
Sennheiser are okay. It comes with extra parts. It stays in the ear decent
but not when you're doing stuff like muscle-ups.
It's been snowing the last weeks and it pretty much iced up.
Golds was closed.
24hr was still open! lol look how thick the snow is.
(I know its more up north but I'm in Texas so this is rare)
February 15 2011- All the valentines day candy put some weight on me.
HAHA just kidding. I eat my same meals everyday. I'm at my highest now.
187.20 LBS
Same stuff. Different day.
Progress pic I guess. Oh my legs got better too :)

I guess that's all for now. I'll be in California next week! So for those who ask for videos of me and frank working out I'll try to edit some next month when I'm home. Also for those who ask or complain about being in pain from working out. YES IT FUCKING HURTS. If you can't take it then its not for you.

Till next time. Train hard or go home and stay there.


  1. What are your measurements for Arms, Chest and Legs?

  2. great post i love the pictures it motivates me to buy new headphones for myself and water...and beed and chicken breast and i will ask my gf for a hat ;) :D
    im looking forward for those videos

  3. dude... you don't need to buy all that water. reuse a non plastic bottle..or even two at once.. I know it's tough when you don't have access to any, but you're wasting money buying all that water.

  4. Hey Hahn, I want to make my blog private, so I can add more personal stuff. Can you email me your gmail email address to give you access, so you can still throw me some pointers? Thanks man.

  5. You can email me with the link: View my complete profile on my page or comment me and I'll make my page private soon after. I might eventually post pics of VIP people I train MMA with, so I don't want them getting around.

  6. im wondering hanh........are you born in the state or elsewhere? im doing workout almost a year and the result are pretty good. should i do cutting?
    ill send some pictures

  7. awesome stuff, around the same weight but you obviously look much better, do you ever bother with measuring bf%? also do you drink?

  8. hi hanh its me again team L200s i just change my name to hashim..................

  9. Hey man, i've been working out for 5 months now, 163lbs 5ft9 and almost 20% body fat. Think I should start cutting now, in preparations for beach season?

    And why do I feel so out of breath lately? I don't know how true this is but someone mentioned bodybuilding kills your cardiovascular system cause it makes your heart stronger but less efficient. I think i'll start adding some light cardio now or swimming because it sucks like shit when I am panting after biking to school.

    And you want to make a blog solely on how to cut? Thanks.

  10. im 5.11 what is the ideal weight for me bro?..have ever been to malaysia hanh?

  11. Everything is looking good Hanh. Hopefully I can get in the habit of posting just like you do. I'm followed almost everything you eat and your workouts. Definitely an ass kicker! Keep up the good work man!

  12. Hey Hanh, Frank goes to the 24 hour that I go to.
    Lol what time do you think you'll be going to the gym. I want to see what a legend looks like in person. Thanks for all of the advice and inspiration.

  13. you are on point, no pain no gain

  14. EctomorphicBuilder- I dont know.. 17 or so for arms. I haven't measured in years. I just go by the mirror.

    NinoChamp- lol

    Jackson- I buy gallon jugs but these bottles are for mixing supplements. I don't like to clean the shakers because I have to make several servings a day.

    ChrisMMA- my google account is (dont email me.. i do not check this)

    Team L200S- errr I don't know what to tell you. Read the blogs below.

    ae86- My body fat is close to 11% measured by bioimpedance analysis machine. Its pretty accurate compared to caliper test which says I'm 7%. Last time I went was December so maybe its the same. I don't drink alcohol. Can I? yes I just choose not to. It slows down my gains and gets me injured.

    Kevin- I don't know? Do what you want to do. I can't tell you how to look. lol

    Hashim- I don't know. That's your choice not mine.

    TeeJay- Thanks.

    Faceless- I don't know what time. lol

    Tomas- YEAP

  15. haha i ment do you drink atall like frequently or say occasional like mates bdays or once/twice a month but yeah all good, also what supps did you end up buying ? your chest vid still siezes to be my fav one so far, by the way looking very shreaded and keeping the size on!

  16. oh also another Q, is theres a specific reason why you do machine flys instead of using freeweights ? preventing injuries or just self proffered ?

  17. ae86- I'm not going to trash my body for someone's birthday. Nobody's that important. lol Most of my friends work out anyways so they know what's up. I just got cellmass, syntha-6, nano-vapor.. my usual stuff.

    I like machine flys/ cable flys as they have better focus on contracting the inner chest. I feel they are more efficient.

  18. Do creatine and nitric oxide make THAT much of a difference? You're really huge right now so I understand that making gains probably is tougher for you than us fatasses, but if I'm just trying to lean out and gain maybe 20-25lbs of muscle, would protein do the trick or should I still invest in everything?

    Ultimately, I don't want to be RIPPED. I just want to be that one guy that everyone says, "Hey he's in real good shape" and can eat out with friends and all that crap, but still go to the gym regularly and eat pretty clean over half of the time. No desire to be huge or godly.

  19. Hey Hanh. What is your daily routine on taking your supplements?

  20. treenofu- Those 3 things I mentioned are the best gains for the money for bulking. Doesn't matter if you have high or low metabolism... both require a lot of work to obtain your desired results. If you're trying to cut I would stay with whey isolate protein for zero fat and fat burners. You don't wanna get creatine as it retains water. Also nitric oxide is for energy.. which is already in fat burners.

    QHoang14- Nitric oxide.. prior to working out. Protein/ creatine about 3 times a day. Read the label for instructions. I'm not going to type it out here.

  21. just telling it how it is..."train hard or go home and stay there"

  22. glad you like the hat baby. it looks good on you :)

    and you, you always look good <3

  23. Hey Hanh, glad to finally see you back. I have a quick question on a certain protein your using. On the Syntha-6 protein do you use it prior bed or in the morning? I know it's made up of slow digesting protein, but can it also be taking after a workout?

  24. Did you have bulk/cut phases in the past or did you just eat whatever is healthy and lift hard and eventually everything just evened out?

  25. honey you look so tanned :D
    i'm going to be pale as fuck in cali -_______-
    BEACH TIME. lemme soak in the UV rays and darken myself lol

  26. ae86:"haha i ment do you drink atall like frequently or say occasional like mates bdays or once/twice a month"

    Hanh : "I'm not going to trash my body for someone's birthday. Nobody's that important."

    hahaha thats why you are awesome Hanh :D

    Q: is the water you buy non-carbonated?

  27. Thank man, I believe you can already see my profile now. I sent you the invite. Btw, did you stop investing in the extra vitamins (Animalpak)?

  28. michaelhvu - yeap

    Jenny- Thanks baby :)

    Kevan- Read the diet blog and video. Cut/ bulk phases are not necessary if you're just trying to look good. It may be beneficial for people doing competitions on a professional level as they know their body better and know what they're doing. For regular people that bulk up.. eat the wrong crap then end up looking out of proportion since everything is hidden underneath large layers of fat.

    NinoChamp- Regular drinking water.

    ChrisMMA- I still have stuff left over from previous orders.

  29. BRO!!! eating six times daily and the gallon of water helped me out so much. I got better gains because of it, also cutting down the cardio, to only once a week.

  30. I heard that you need to drink your creatine right after your workout. So my question is, if i was going to do cardio like running after my weightlifting. Do i drink my creatine after that or right after the weightlifting than run?

  31. ArussTots- Glad it helped. If it works for you keep doing it. Whatever doesn't work.. just try something different. Whatever method you decide to use it all comes down to just hard work.

    Quang- Creatine is for bulking and retains high amounts of water. It would be counter productive if you're using it and trying to do cardio.

  32. From what I can see from your pictures, it looks like you have bought both BSN's N.O. Xplode along with the muscletech naNO vapor. Both are nitric oxide supplements, so do you switch off between the two?

    Also what kind of cuts of beef are you buying?

    lastly, your scale says you weight around 187lbs. I do not doubt that your scale is correct, but damn your pictures make you look like you weigh closer to 200. I weigh 184 currently with body-fat close to 12-13%. 5' 9" tall. I do not have the vascularity, striation, or even size close to yours. I guess I just have to push it harder.

  33. japsrule19- Its cell mass.. I don't use no xplode anymore. Too weak for me.

    Eye of round or top sirloin usually.

    Its the scale at golds gym. Each scale may differ a few lbs if its not calibrated. Weight is just a number. I just go by the mirror. Eventually you wont care about how much you weigh but you'll just want certain parts to look a certain way.

  34. do you get acne from hats(baseball caps) in the gym from sweating?

  35. EctomorphicBuilder- No, it actually helps me keep sweat out of my eyes. I sweat a lot.

  36. hey hanh do you drink your creatin after your workout or before?

  37. hey hanh what sauce do you put on chicken/beef? do you marinade it?

  38. Hey Hanh. I want to get bigger and more cut so I take creatine but I also want to work out my abs to get a six pack. So should I continue to take creatine?

  39. hey Hanh, looks like you got enough food to last a nuclear winter lol :P

    take care and keep up the hard work! i'm looking forward to some new vids :)

  40. NinoChamp- About 3 times a day throughout the day. As long as its in your system its fine. Otherwise follow the instructions on the product you're using.

    Chathura- Usually steak seasoning or mrs dash salk free chicken seasoning.

    QHoang14- No clue. Maybe read my prior posts to get some ideas. I have no idea what you do or what you look like so I cannot give any accurate suggestions.

    rob c- Well with all the sleet the streets were almost not drivable. So I was prepared lol. thanks man. I will try later.. I have nothing new. lol

  41. Hey Hanh, just asking out of curiosity, how tall are you? And at what age did you start working out? I'm asking this because I'm afraid that I might stunt my growth by lifting heavy weights. I'm currently 15 5'7 125lbs so yeah I would still like to grow if there's any chance. Thanks!

    1. I'm wanna know how tall you are too Hanh, i've been trying to find out for the longest time! lol

  42. Hey hahn, I've finally done my blog and i have referred you and ice1cube and vince delmonte its about my body building from becoming a small guy to tipped at 80kgish just like you have

    Hope you have time to read it

  43. Good up date bro, i also like your burger in the background, makin me think of grabbin one soon lol

  44. Hey Hanh i made a blog so you can help me out with advice and tips :) plz comment on my stuff. turn me into a beast!!! thanks!

  45. Amos- Already answered in my diet blog/ video. Height is genetic and hereditary. If you don't understand how that works then you should learn a little bit of basic biology.

    Wannabechamp- cool

    FMYang- lol

    Slim- Thanx

    JRG- I've posted all the basic stuff you need to know... check the blog archive. I'll help you when you post stuff.

  46. hey Hanh, I read your post on my blog about the pyramid scheme supplement companies and the new stuff I got for my new stack. I'm getting the new protein, creatine, preworkout, and a thermo March 1st at GNC with the gold card discount. I go through a friend that works there and hooks me up. I still have some left over advocare supps to get rid of before I buy all new stuff.

  47. these are semi-personal questions so fair enough if you dont answer them but just came to mind,

    what do you do occupation wise ? does it effect your meals / training times ?

    also have you ever had any injuries gym related


  48. hey hanh ive seen your videos and i just have one quick question i love chicken and fish but im allergic to both can i still get big without those 2, i still eat a lot of beef, meat, roast beef, turkey, rice ect.. just not chicken and fish any suggestions?? thanks!

  49. oh by the way is creatine bad for your liver at all? or at least if you take to much?

  50. here is my blogspot

  51. Hello Hanh, I am lactose intolerant, what brand of whey protein do you recommend? Does ON Gold standard give you any digestive problems? what about hydro whey? also, do you drink your protein on an empty stomach in the morning or after breakfast?

  52. one more question, what is the difference between BSN's cellmass and NO explode? can they be used at the same time?

  53. Your a BEAST! I subscribed to you on Youtube and hope to see more vids, it gets me so PUMPED! Just starting to really lift, never really liked it in High School so now that I've matured, I'm getting into it. Thanks Hanh. Oh, and Ice1Cube too, he's like your Robin. AzN PrYde (very ignorant, I know)

  54. Hey Hanh! Just wanted to say you're awesome for all the info and videos you post to help others. It really helped me alot! I just started a new blog and followed you. I'd appreciate it if you can take a look and give some advice!


  55. Wow no joke I used to eat my chicken with a little bit of seasoning but since you put you add bbq sauce of jack daniel i am loving this diet now lol Thank hanh

  56. good job big man, mirin hard, no homo

  57. Hey Hanh!
    Started bloging because of you. Just decided i want at least someone to read it since i dont really want to advertise it on my facebook lol.
    I want to bulk and so far i have two posts on my plan and action.

  58. hey hanh,

    what are your veiws on T-boosters? the legal ones that is, i do supplement my protien and ive said i always want to it without the use of anything extreme...just looking for some opinions befor i think about it any more?

  59. Hey Hanh... I'm not trying to tell what to do but you seem like you buy a lot of water... You could prolly save more money if you jus reuse water bottles or jus buy a more durable bottle (or a few) and also a brita water filter... Then jus refill the bottles with fresh water...

  60. Hey Hanh, My knees been making a popping sound when i squat, ass to grass without weights. Is this an indication of bad knees? I squat 3 times a week. I noticed that used Wraps around your knees, prehaps that will help my knees?

    Anyways, Check out my my blog.

    I need help making a diet, my goals are to weigh 200 pounds of Mass, bulk, cuts (Picture yourself: HanhChampion) (Which i find it it hard, since i cannot 8 every 3 hours, since i go the school. I'ma freshman) Right now, I am 5'7 125 pounds. An Ectomorphic build, Picture Stevekun88 from youtube, thats what i look like.

    My diet consist of.

    Morning 8:00am Poptarts (400 Calories) with Whole Milk (150 calories.)

    School Lunch 12:00am Prime Time Chicken Sandwich. (550 calories.)

    Aftertoon: Boyardee Canned Food. (480-500 Calories.)Whole Milk (150 Calories.)

    After gym: Protein Shake. (700 Calories.)

    Night: Boyardee Canned Food. (480-500 Calories.) Whole milk (150 calories.)

    Should i include the fat and protein grams? How can i improve my diet to gain weight?

  61. hey hanh, do you incorporate a once a week cheat meal in your diet? i used to but i took it out since i was cutting. not sure if i should do it or not

  62. Hey Hanh, I seem to make great progress on most of my bodyparts except my triceps. What would you say are the core tricep exercises?

  63. hey hanh

    i just started blogging, it would be great if you could give me some tips or advice. maybe critique my workouts/ give me some new exercises to try.


  64. Hanh,

    I notice that you haven't talked about soy milk in your diet blogs. Being in asia, its quite prevalent here as a protein source for bulking up.

    I'm having a 5 meal diet based on the food pyramid but I've incorporated a bottle of soy milk in the morning and after the gym in the afternoon, everyday.

    I've done some research on soy milk and i found contradicting information on its effects on the male body.

    do you have any thoughts on this subject?
    i'm really just drinking it for the extra protein it provides for bulking up, but since i'm looking at this in the long-run, it's a bit of a concern for me.


  65. Can you replace chicken or beef with tofu? Is it enough for bulking?

  66. hey hanh, you pretty much made working out a hobby for me. i thank you for posting up vids for your fans, and i hope you continue doing what you do bro. i have one question, is frank ever coming back? i know about the closing account part, and its fine that you dont say why, but i am a fan of his work too. :(

  67. @ FunkyDucky: I'm not Hanh but I can chime in on this for you. The answer is no because:

    1) meat and tofu are different in their protein
    2) calorie differences. to make up for the amount of protein you get from meat, you'd have to eat a lot more tofu.

    I'm not the type to get knitty gritty over where the protein is from but I believe consuming protein from lean meat (or eggs) has its merits.

  68. Quick question: What's your take on caffeine (coffee or supplements containing caffeine, like Jack3d) vs nitric oxide for a pre-workout? I have yet to try nitric oxide.

  69. All your questions have already been answered through previous blogs regarding diet/supplements/ etc.

  70. Hi hanh,
    I created a blog
    its boring lol warming
    when you have time come and read it lol
    i got 2 question hope you can help me

  71. Hey Hanh, I was hoping you could clear this up for me, I'm 17 years old and weight 170 (dropped 10lbs from your guides thanks :D). I workout 5-6 times a week and see the thing is, ive been doing this for a month and half and lost 10lbs and I had to stop for 2 weeks as, my school life was getting in my way too much, so march break rolled around and I started working out, at this time i was still maintaining my weight at 170 (I eat healthy, no junk food and on a 3hr basis) i started working out, I usually use weights, and now after like a week now i weigh 175 or so. I also noticed my quads are starting to show unlike before. so my question is am i gaining muscle mass or getting fat casue of not working out for 2 weeks. and can u tell me if i can reach my goal of 160 by summer? if i continue this routine of mine. Thanks for any help.

  72. heyz,you said in your supplement video protein should be taken like 3 times a day,so does the bottle of protein i have.But my friends who have been gyming a long time say if i take too much ill get some kidney problems,is this some kind of rumor?

  73. You showcase amazing results! Any chance I can see pics of you before you started training 5 years ago? email me please at


  74. Yo man! Your a hugee inspiration. I just wanted to ask, can you check out my blog please?
    Thanks man

  75. Hanh can you please tell me what i should eat and how many reps of what i should do and what days to do what, My blog has a picture of my body and some stats. Thanks.

  76. Thats Hanh really great stuff! keep it up!

  77. Wuz Good Hanh,

    Hope you know I'm doing my hardest, thank to you brah! Keep them workout video coming!

  78. Your blog/videos have been really helpful, thanks Hanh. Quick Question: is there any differences between boiling, steaming, baking and grilling your chicken? Which is the leanest way?

  79. Awesome Han!! your my inspiration

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