
Friday, January 28, 2011

New video

So here's my latest edit. It's just a bunch of clips from 2010 and early 2011. It took me a couple hours for 2 days to mess around with it. I'm still learning how to use effects and transitions. I'm currently using Adobe Premiere CS5 to edit. I had to upgrade from CS3 to get the HD support. The beginning part was from Dragonball  imperfect Cell saga. It was one of my favorite lines so I thought I'd throw that in. Anyways its just something to watch... there's not really any purpose behind it.

The song I used is: The Outsider- Renholder Remix
You can download it here


  1. It's funny because most guys let go after getting a girlfriend, but it seems like you push even harder haha. One day, I'm going to be able to do those muscle ups (I hope)!

  2. @JustLikeDat not unless your girl supports what you're doing and understands the hard work and determination you gotta have! =)

    Hi baby! I loved your video. <3

  3. good all around video Hanh, how long did it take you to be able to do muscle ups? this is another motivational video for everyone. good stuff

  4. yo can you post a workout playlist?

  5. awesome vid man, very inspirational.

  6. @Jenny..just awesome what you said

  7. heyy man. ii just started my blog and gyming. wondering if uu can check it now and then and gimme some pointers.

    and yeh im not a skinny person bout 88kgs (194lbs - in australia so yeh metric system) with 20% body fat. im tryna get more muscle definition and lose weight. should i still be eating like 4-5 times a day? current working on diet n cardio first before ii start weight training. any other tips??


  8. oh btw. im aiming for ur july o7 build

  9. Well, what can I say again. Nice video. Motivating as usual. I like the slow motion bits, it makes it more... intense. Like Goku in the Namek/Frieza saga, where it took him like 10 episodes to make that big ass spirit ball. Or at least it felt that long. You could probably grow a plant faster than it took him to make that thing.

  10. I wish I had a hot girlfriend to fill my protein shakes hahahaa

  11. My goal is to bulk up to your level, then surpass it. Always good to have a set goal then push past it. You're one of the people I look up to when I work out.

  12. Seriously the inspiration in this video is so mind blowing, I really want to show my appreciation to your videos like this. By doing so i have stay committed for myself and it is thanks to you. It might seem a video for some but its alot to some aswell as it is inspiration, motivation and helps you stay on track.... to keep that dedication

    Thanks Hanh, Hope you check my videos and blog out soon when its all updates.

  13. are you familiar with the stronglifts 5x5 workout?


    any thoughts/comments/opinions?

  14. yo mr. hanh can you add me on blogger and make some recommendations?

    cheers, andrew

  15. anonymousjames- any routine works just depending how hard you push yourself.

    Truongy- looks okay. Going to the gym is probably what you need the most. Dumbbells alone won't do much. Also, start learning how to make your own food. Some improvements on your diet would be good. It looks alright for now.

  16. Awesome, thanks man! I'll be going to the gym this month. Will be going hard on my chest and shoulders. Haha, yeah I've started cooking my meals. Taste pretty horrible. Maybe you should do some cooking videos? Haha.

  17. This is great Hanh!
    I will be doing the same thing you did. Of course I get to learn how to edit video now! (macs are awesome if u know how to use them) Your blog is a great motivator!

  18. Truongy- lol.. I make the same food over and over. I think I can just take a pic and say how I make it. Its not very hard or flavorful.

    TeeJayHuston- Cool. I added you. I don't know how to use mac but I heard its good for editing. Maybe it renders faster too. I think that's the most time consuming part is for it to render.

  19. Hey Hanh, just wondering your opinion on these two topics.

    1) Do you have a individual workout for forearms?

    2) What is your schedule for your workouts

    ex) monday - back
    tuesday - arms

    and etc.

  20. Jonathan- I don't train forearms.. free weights will build them up pretty well. Otherwise for beginners its not important. As far as workout schedule.. it varies at the moment. I will explain later.

  21. Hey Hanh, i've been taking ON gold standard whey for a while now, just for that quick protein hit during the day. Is it true that I should buy a different brand of protein to mix it up so my body wont get accustomed to it?

    Or is that just a myth. Cheers

  22. Anook- No, protein is protein. It's if you like the flavor or not maybe you get tired of it so you stop taking it consistently. Rely on real sources of protein (chicken,fish, beef..) instead of supplements. Supplements will help you gain but they're not as beneficial as real food.

  23. Hey hanh if u get the time check out my page buddy...

    im posting what im eating for the week and gna be taking pictures and stuff aswell...

    my goals are to gain lean mass like yourself.. let me know what you think id appreciate it :) keep it up!

  24. fazerfit- You don't have enough meals. Supplements don't count as a meal. They're a drink. So probably add in some more meals because it looks like you only had 4. As far as your mom making food.. that fell into the category of 'make your own food' don't rely on other people to make it for you. You're gonna learn later on why I'm telling you this now. As far as everything else it looks like you have a good understanding of proper supplementation and what type of foods to eat. So the rest looks okay.

  25. yer check on me tomorow i will pick it up haha cheers

  26. hanh what procedures should you take when changing from creatine & protein shake to another one?

  27. hey, I just created my blog. Can you check it out and help me?

  28. WannaBe Champ- I have no clue what you're trying to ask me.

    HaqimBi- You've disregarded my post below. Fail.

  29. Sorry mate, what I meant was; when changing brands from one shake to another should i take a weeks rest or anything before i start taking the new protein shake. Same question with creatine.

    I am taking universal protein shake and creatine, but i bought some USN ones this week.
    Shall I just swap over without stopping?

    hope that makes sense.
    Thank you

  30. It doesn't make a difference. You can switch anytime. Protein is protein. Creatine is creatine.


  32. Hey Hanh I just don't feel comfortable putting a lot of unnatural changes to my body and I'm not looking to get huge-just more fit, strong, and bigger. Would I still get great results just taking protein?

    More importantly, I have a question about balance. I did flat dumbell presses yesterday and my left arm is so uncoordinated it lost balance and I dropped my dumbell. When I do bench press on one of those machines that controls your form (the ones that are designed so you don't need a spotter) and I could lift A LOT of weight. What do you make out of this? I have a feeling I should be concerned with my balance and I don't know what to do about the situation because I don't know much about what I can do to coordinate my left arm.

  33. Treenofu- Dude.. you already know how hard it is so what makes you think you will be too big overnight? You can stop whenever you want. Nobody's holding a gun to your head and forcing you to be a gigantic sized being. lol. As far as dumbbell, you're still new so give it time. Your muscles need to adapt to it. I think you need to read the article above for beginners.

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