
Monday, January 24, 2011

For me to help you better.

Alright for all of you new to this... I've got to point out a few things.

Pictures are worth a thousand words.
Post what you eat using pictures like I do. Don't LIE about what you eat. For one, its not going to help me give you better advice because I will assume you're doing good. So if you post all the GOOD meals you ate and discarded the bad meals or neglected to take a picture of it then its not going to help me have an idea of what you're doing. I don't care if you eat bad. Its your body and your choice what you decide to put in there. Its your results, not mine. I can help you the best I can but you're going to need to help yourself first. If you write down from which hours you ate your meals just once; I know it's not real because you're not likely to do the same thing every day! Be real with yourself. Your blog is for YOU to help you keep track of what you're doing.

Here's an example of Nick's blog:

You can see how he added pictures along with description on his meals and how I can give him some suggestions.

I also like this post:

You can see he posted all the bad food he ate and he realizes that this isn't going to work. If you type out that you did everything perfectly.. there's nothing I can help you with.

What are your goals?
I have no clue what you look like or what goals you may want to obtain. For me, I like to put on lean mass. I don't like fat on me. That's just personal preference. I like lifting heavy and I want to increase my strength gradually without getting injured. I also like to balance my physique and stay proportional. It's just something I want to do for myself.

Anyways, about you... pictures of yourself will help. You can look back at it and see how much you gained. I can give you better advice in which direction you need to go. Understand that I don't know everything. If I don't know then I will say it.

What is your motivation?
I know most of you will quit when I tell you the truth that its not for everyone. It takes time and money if you haven't figured it out by now. But hey, I'm not here to waste your time or mine. I can only help those that are willing to do what it takes. I'm not going to buy your grocery. I'm not going to eat your meals 7 times a day for you. Nobody is going to do it for you but you. Understand that all of this is repetitive. Nothing will happen over night. If you made 5 good meals and ate it in a day; you're not going to turn into a super-sayian-like-warrior over night. It takes time so be patient.

Anyways... let me summarize this: just be real to yourself.


  1. will you look at my blog please? i want to know which direction i should be heading... someone once told me i have a belly. but i don't want to look like a monkey. :(

    please help, mr super-sayian-like-warrior aka goku aka gorilla aka CHAMPION.

    thank you, sincerly: monkey-poo.

    ps. i do like the junk. >_<

  2. You speak the truth. Great post. I'm going to eat my meal now.

  3. Well said Hanh, just saying wussup from the North. Its bloody cold. 4degrees here...was joggin outside.
    But yeah, i'll get started again soon, thanks giving slowed me down lol.

    Be safe and keep it up.

  4. Jenny- You're so cute and your belly is rubbable. I suggest you eat your junk daily and feed that belly :)I also see your blog has excessive make up... might wanna cut back on that. <3

    Thomas/ FMYang- thanks, lol

  5. Sup Hanh, can you check out my blog and give me some advice. I posted my current diet and my body so far and my goal.

    thanks! :)


    hey, check this out plz. im trying to cut, but i am needing suggestions or tips of how much complex carbs im going to have to eat and stuff. thanks

  7. han check my blog. i just post my meal plan and i hope that you could help in to grow big :)

    i never thought i would be serious about muscle training but now i am deeply addicted to it :)

    thank you han! :)

  8. ArussTots- Much better. Cut the cardio out for bulking.

    Falafel- You've disregarded my entire post. Fail.

    Brayn- Good blog. You need more food with protein sources.

  9. You're so hardcore in your posts, blunt and to the point! Love it! :)

  10. May you write a blog on how to build lean body mass without adding a ton of fat? Thank you Hanh!

  11. Hanh today I did chest work out but for some reason when I started to bench with a bar bell I didn't feel any stretch in my chest. So I tried and use dumb bells I had a good stretch on my chest, am I doing something wrong with the bar bell? I want to use bar bell so I can do till failure because I got a safety lock. On the other hand when I work with dumb bell its the opposite.
    Thanks - John

  12. Hey Hanh. I just made a new post, let me know what you think. Thanks for your help.

    Also, do you go out and party (drink) on the weekends? How badly does that destroy the diet hahaha (kinda hard to be sober every weekend).

  13. lc88chavez- thanks

    PH Doctor- Eat clean and work out. The posts prior is pretty much everything.

    johnkhuynh- I don't know because I can't see what you're doing. Dumbbell or barbell is preference. You can build a great chest with either.

    JustLikeDat- What you put in your body is important. Alcohol doesn't belong in the body. Alcohol converts to estrogen. If you want love handles and bitch tits in the long run then that's your choice. Decide what you want to do if you want results or have fun. Or half ass it then your results will reflect upon your actions.

  14. thanks for the tip and advice. i will try to cut back on the excessive make up, although it's hard... make up or junk? what to do?! quite the dilemma. >_<

  15. I figured you wouldn't be a big fan of alcohol. You're super disciplined. I guess that's an area I'm still working on although I have been doing pretty well in that department lately. Having a set schedule with work/school has definitely helped me. Thanks man.

  16. Hey Hanh, I just created my blog and put photos up of what I eat. Could you check it out? I am overweight and have a solid muscle foundation under lots of fat. I want to slim down and cut a total of 100 lbs. I just want to look good and still have great muscle definition. Could you check out my meal plan so far?
    thanks! Oh I love your blog and youtube vids =)

  17. cool blog! cant wait to see next update, would also be interested in just seeing how you go about your own routine, as in how you build do you seperate body parts for different days or just choose one day upper body next day lower etc, also check out my blog if you got the time.

  18. Jenny- feed the belly :)

    AOBOSS- Cool I added you. Thanks for the feedback.

    David- I added you. Thanks for posting.

  19. Hey Hanh whats good man? Your blog is sick man, has some really good stuff on it man.
    I was looking back at some of your photos man, damn son you have gained so much man.
    But one thing i noticed is that once you first started you won't that big in fact you look bare skinny. So my question is, would you cut down your weight first then build?

  20. Poet- I don't understand your question...

  21. Sorry dude, so my question is:
    Is it okay/good to bodybuild even if your a little overweight by like 16 pounds or is it better to lose it before you build?

  22. Up to you.. if you're fat you're only going to get fatter if you try to bulk. You wont see much definition. I would cut the fat that way I can see my actual gains.

  23. Yeah yeah i'm feeling that but like the problem is yeah, is that i ain;t sure how much fat i have left on me because i have alot of loose skin due to previuos diets. And if i were to lose the remainder of fat then i would have sooo much loose skin and then its kinda hard to get rid of. You get me?

  24. I don't know how to get rid of loose skin. It may be something you need to research on. I've never had that problem so I never looked into it.

  25. Hanh, what do you recommend for to gain weight / muscle mass? I weigh 120 lbs. I've been working out for a year. I was pretty much skinny when i started out, weighing the same and i don't really consider having alot of fat at all. Ever since i feel like i just gain more strength rather than bulk and muscle mass to be honest. I'm still weighing 120lbs and still feeling skinny, but more toned than before. My target is 140 lbs by the end of this year.

  26. Hey hanh, if you got time check out my blog.
    I'm on a diet right now to get a 6 pack for a event, so not really eating much carbs. But after which is in a month i'll be back to my normal food routine.

  27. GreenHornet- I don't know what to tell you. You've disregarded my whole post about me having no clue what you look like. Come on man, READ. I've already explained how to diet and what supplements I recommended. So check the videos on my channel.

    Steve- Good work. Keep as much protein in to retain the muscle.

  28. Hey Hanh :D What are your thoughs about creatine cycles? Some people make breaks (month on -month off), some dont - and im quate confused about it :).. What do you think about it ?

  29. Tath- It doesn't make a difference for me. You can do it they way they recommend if you like.

  30. Hey Hanh, been following your blog/youtube channel for a while now; learned lots on the way. I've created a my own blog and going to update it as frequently as I can with pictures; would you mind taking a look at my meals and provide me any feedback? Thanks in advance!

  31. hey hanh met you at 24 in murphy the other day can you check out my blog if you have some time? im trying to cut and been getting results but if you have any advice on how to have an effective cut that would be great. youre a great inspiration man

  32. Michael- Thanks for posting. I've added you. It looks like you're on the right track. Give it some time and keep me updated with your progress. We can make adjustments from there.

  33. thanks for the help and opinion hanh! means a lot. ill definitely keep on posting up pics and stuff. hopefully one day ill get to your level! haha

  34. Hey hanh, i've created a blogspot in hope you could give me tips/critque/judgement on my upcoming spur of new diet/gym. I will update it reguarly and post pics/food and also routines and such as i am starting gym from tomorrow :D

    thanks for the inspiration

  35. michael- np

    kvnlol- You have no pics of yourself and I'm not sure what you're trying to do. I'm assuming you want to cut since you're 20% body fat. Your food is lacking sources of protein. The only significant sources I see are eggs. Lets work on improving that diet first.

  36. Thanks for the critque, i'll get photos up now and i'm not 100% sure what my bf% is so maybe you help me estimate please!

  37. kvnlol- Maybe 20-25% would be my guess. I am at 11% measured by a machine. Caliper test shows I'm at 7%.. but its not really accurate just to give you an idea. But yeah you're gonna need to clean up the diet and do a lot of cardio otherwise you're going to pack more fat on the waist area from bulking. I know a lot of guys that make the mistake of doing that and being discouraged from the amount of fat they gained. So that's just my advice to you.

  38. Hey Hanh. I've been training for a year now and when I first saw you, I started to push myself even harder now. Workouts have become really intense and heavy, but results are coming as well :). So, currently I'm working on my diet. I used some of your examples and I think they are great! So here's a basic meal for me. What do you think?

  39. metito- glad you're making gains... it means you're doing something right!

  40. hey hanh ive seen your videos and i just have one quick question i love chicken and fish but im allergic to both can i still get big without those 2, i still eat a lot of beef, meat, roast beef, turkey, rice ect.. just not chicken and fish any suggestions?? thanks!

  41. This comment has been removed by the author.

  42. Hey Hanh, thanks for the inspiration to stop being lazy and taking this working out thing seriously. I'm 135lbs, around 125 when I first started lifting weights. I'd like to get to about 150-160lbs but I want to keep the definition I have now. I feel like I've hit my plateau. (My pullup strength is the same as what it was 2 years ago, no matter how much I workout). How did you get over your plateaus over the years? I know diet probably has something to do with it but I don't want my body fat % to go up. Any suggestions?

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  45. Yeah yeah i'm feeling that but like the problem is yeah, is that i ain;t sure how much fat i have left on me because i have alot of loose skin due to previuos diets. And if i were to lose the remainder of fat then i would have sooo much loose skin and then its kinda hard to get rid of. You get me?
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