
Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Super Size Me- movie

This is a good documentary video I found on youtube on the crap food people eat. I guess it could be an encouragement to make your own food. haha. Your thoughts?


  1. Went to see this in a movie theatre when it came out in 2004. I rarely eat any fast food so this movie didn't have any impact on my diet. But I still think it's a good documentary worth to watch.

  2. gay, video is not available in my country :(

  3. hecnark- yeah I rarely eat fast food too but it was interesting to watch and shows how 3 big meals a day will slow you down.

    JP- what country?

  4. Lol it was funny I watched this in high school. I was kind of shocked because me and all my friends pretty much ate fast food 4-6 times a day sometimes more. We didn't know any better and figured food was food and that was that. The quality of food was never an issue in our minds and I think thats why it didn't really affect us mentally, physically etc. My weight never got past 140lbs in high school. But I also ran track, ran cross country, wrestled, lifted weights off and on, played football, basketball, jiu jitsu, karate, and muay thai. I never slowed down for anything so I think a large part of it is mental, and then also what you do throughout the day that really affects your body.

  5. jp - it was also not available in my country (australia) when i clicked this link, i just went youtube and then typed in supersize me and it worked, for some reason it seems familiar i think i watched this back in P.E when i went to highschool.



    LOL not!!!!!!

    eating fast food once in a while is considered okay..

    but when you eat burgers all day
    it will eat u up all day

  7. it can be a wake up call for most people
    and a reminder that we are all doing the right thing by cooking our countless meals

  8. It is food for thought, I guess... if you decide to eat this kind of crap 30days straight and nothing else then you're asking for problems! This applies to anything that are high fat, high sodium or high sugar. Basically, what my thoughts on this is that moderation is key! Ultimately you are the decision maker. You can't blame others for your actions! For example, if you're driving car and get into an accident are you going to sue the car maker? C'mon...people need to be accountable for their actions too.
    My biggest reaction to this is how in the world did YouTube allow a full length movie to be posted up on their site? I have videos that I can't even post because of music copyright issues! Hahn, you're awesome keep up the good work...missed your postings for a while!

  9. nick- lol yeah we used to get 1 meal within a 9hr time frame in school :( no wonder we were all frailz.

    beastking sr- lol that song was funny

    kendawgz- there's a lot of free full length movies on there. Most of them are cheesy. The ones that are good you can rent for 24hr for a few bucks. Click on the "movies" tab on the main page and you'll see them.

  10. Yeah not availabe in my country too (Slovakia) damn. Im searching for some torrents.

  11. wierd, says video is private for me and im in cali. but i've seen this vid b4 when i was in my business class debating upon if big junk food business like these are ethical. i do believe the movie can make a great impact on some that are willing to change. during that time i was just a few pounds over weight and already started dieting and weight training so it kinda helped just a little for me to keep going. Great post

  12. This video is not available, could you please me this video?

    seo europe |
    seo greece

  13. Hanh you should watch the movie called "Fat Head" it basically contradicts supersize me where the guy eats nothing but fast food and manages to lose weight and get into better health. very interesting.

  14. check this out hahn. its called downsize me. its a bodybuilder that does the same thing but actually fits all the food into his macros. He'll eat liek salad and whatnot, take off buns etc. loses bodyfat and his cholesterol actaully gets better. its kinda crazy.....i still agree with yo uthough.
