
Monday, June 13, 2011

Andrew Vu 10 weeks out videos

Part 1

Part 2

Music Download: Into the fire

So this is his 10 weeks out videos.There's not many changes yet and he still hasn't dropped any weight yet. We should start seeing some gradual changes throughout the next few weeks. He's slowly dropping his carbs. For you guys trying to lose weight I would recommend you drop your carbs slowly as well. You don't want to completely cut it off because you'll starve because your body is not going to be used to it.


  1. Great post! The song file does not work though, it leads to a 404 error or something!

  2. Neil- Thanks. I fixed it. Try it again.

  3. I'm excited for this series, it will be interesting to see the changes as Andrew get's closer to competition! Thanks a ton for the content Hanh it inspired me to start my own blog!!!

  4. Jenny, my girlfriend said the exact same thing this morning as she ate 3 slices of toast with her eggs... lol.

  5. Is Andrew as strong as you are? Just wondering how much can he deadlift, squat and bench-press 1rm.

  6. @Brent HAHAHAHAHA we drag you boys down :P hehehehe

  7. Jenny- lol you gotta belly

    Brent- I added you. Nice blog

    Neil- NP

    Tak- I don't know. He body builds so he goes more for a pump. One rep max is pointless for bodybuilding. It's for powerlifting which is a different thing.

  8. Hi Hahn I noticed that Andrew would do cardio after his workouts. How long does he do it for and does he just stick with the stairmaster?

  9. Hanh, you're so modest. Hanh is stronger. Fo sho. Vu seems like a cool kid, wish him luck in the competition.

  10. whatthefuzz- About 30 minutes at the moment and increasing it about 5 minutes every week.

    ikeepitoldschool- I usually weigh 15-20lbs more than him because I'm taller as well. If he packed more weight he should lift the same. + 5 lbs makes a significant difference as far as strength.
