
Thursday, January 20, 2011

Update for January 20

Hello everybody. I'm currently sick. lol I get sick probably once a year and its usually because people get me sick. Ugh. oh well I still went to work out and it was okay. Still trying to maintain my weight.

I've added some grocery for a few days... Lets see baby carrots,
baby spinach, more steaks, bagels, yogurt, oranges, and oatmeal.

Cooking more steaks.
This is an easy way to make your vegetables.. just put the lid on it
without completely sealing it and put it in the microwave for 45 seconds.
Done. Or you can just eat it how it is. Heat just makes it softer to eat.
Couple more meals like this. I've added in some cheddar cheese.

Same thing... just changed up my carbs to
macaroni & cheese.

Sometimes its easier to cut the steaks up
so its easier to eat. Lean steak is tougher than
ones that have more fat which is why they're soft
like fillet mignon. This is just steak, white rice,
cauliflower,and green beans.

I usually get in a lot of fruits. Blackberries taste so good.
Kind of pricey though unless they are on sale.
My current breakfast. 6 eggs, bagel, yogurt, orange.

Also, for me to help you better. I cannot answer your generic questions such as: Do you have any advice for me? How do I get bigger? etc etc... Make your own blog.. post what you eat, your stats, etc etc and the more stuff you have about you the more I can help you. Otherwise I have no clue what anyone looks like.


  1. seems like pretty solid diet there, ive been trying to change things up, and make some sandwiches with whole grain bread and grilled chicken plus lettuce, as well as special k cereal and other good stuff. eating 6 times a day isnt all that hard

  2. Tomas- It's not hard for a day or two. Try doing it for a few years and then write down how you feel about it. lol

  3. haha yea i 've been eating like this for the last 6 months or so, i took the gainer while ago to help me in between my meals and now just eating constantly, it gets tough and you get tired of the same food, but i think about the reason behind it, i still live with my parents so i eat home made meals as well, but i know how it is

  4. It makes a day and night difference as far as energy and recovery compared to junk food. Keep at it and keep me posted on your progress.

  5. thanks man, appreciate all the help, i have a lot of respect for you and your diet and the hard work. will do

  6. aww u could've posted this tommorow, casue its my birthday :( but u have a really nice blog, its good to see what you eat and stuff casue a lot of people just eat what ever and think that they will loose weight or gain muscles. BTW I was wondering im 17 now and weight 175lbs, is it ok if my diet consists of a glass of milk and strawberry yogurt for breakfast, then an apple 3 hours later another apple 3hours later and then dinner (it varies)another glass of milk and then sleep. Obviously water through out the day, so i was wondering if its ok to have that diet to loose weight, im trying to aim for 140-150lbs by july. Thanks for the help, keep up the great work :)
    PS: just throwing this out there, if i acually get to my goal and stuff, you are my first inspiration that i achieved my goal through :D

  7. Tomas- Much respect to anyone who tries to improve themselves like you.

    anand_3p- happy early birthday. Post what you eat on your blog.. Its hard to visualize what you do or eat just by typing it to me. It will also help you keep track of what you're doing.. weather it may be right or wrong we can always make adjustments!

  8. hey... i want blackberries :( how come we never get it when i'm there... tear*

    baby your meals look good :D

  9. Hanh, I've already called Food TV. The idea for your show is still pending, but I've heard from different sources that the only problem right now is that you're too big to be formatted to fit our screens. Potential name for the show right now is 'I'm bigger than you, so eat my food'. I was also thinking about the girls, so we could call it 'Hanh's Hahnies' (get it? lol)

    Anyway, good post as usual.

  10. Hanh,
    Just wanted to let you know I posted my food on my blog. If you could check it out and tell me what I can add, if i'm doing fine, etc... thanks. Get well soon!

  11. cubesteak :( I tried that last week.

  12. Is that just ground beef made into a "steak?"

    By the way, huge fan of your videos on youtube as well as ice1cube's. Check out my blog, I recommended both yours and Frank's youtube page and also recommended this blog to my fellow viewers (that is if I even have any).

  13. Hanh i made an blog just so i can get your advice.pls check it out.

  14. comment! and yeah advice please

  15. hey hanh, i've alredy posted my blog with my stat and pics, nedd ur help asap! YEAH!

  16. You have to marinate and leave it overnight then cook the next day, right? Oh and do you personally load creatine or just take 5g a day?

  17. Hey Hanh, one quick question, how much money do you spend on food each week?

  18. Hanh,

    Did you put all 6 eggs with the yolk and scrambled it? Or should I put 2 whole eggs and discard the other 4 egg yolks? What do you suggest?

  19. hey if u dont mind, i linked this page to my page. just made it as a reference. and thanks for the tips. really helped me alot. now i think im more closer to getting that 5-7 meals a day.

  20. Hey Hahn I'm trying to bulk up and cut down at the same time. I'm 170lbs 6'2'' and 20% body fat. I have no problem with bulking in terms of diet. I get in PLENTY of protein and workout pretty intensely. The only question is cutting all the fat off. I've recently tried out a low carb diet where I eat almost no carbs but can eat anything else (fats/proteins). Would this be effective? It seems almost ridiculous for me to be eating so much meat and fats and losing fat at the same time...

  21. Hi Hanh.I saw you take a lot of supplements. and I wonder where do you get it from?( can you tell me some brand you are taking now? thank you very much

  22. Do you eat white rice with all your meals? Any reason why you don't use brown rice?

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. Just saw your channel on the Tube via Jason Chen...good workout vids bro. I saw your pics and was like that looks like Texas...sure enough it was. I live in Frisco. Anyhow, cool blog and vids bro! Keep up the good work!

  25. I had some questions about supplements. Do you take each of your supplements everyday? or different on other days?

  26. Good day. thanks Hanh "Goku" for the motivation. been working out but due to the fact i ATE almost anything.. im getting nowhere. now that i read your blog. im motivated to give my very best in working out and have a clean diet meal like yours.. thanks a lot man...
