
Sunday, January 16, 2011

Update for January 16

Just a quick update on what I've been eating and progress for this month. I signed up for golds gym and its pretty bad ass. There's a lot of new equipment and new machines that I like there. Its good to have a change of atmosphere since 24hr was getting pretty lame. I've also started to do some filming at UTA gym in Arlington so I'll get those up when I get a chance to edit them.

Start this month off at about 175-ish and I'm up 181.6 last week.
As of 1.14.11... I'm up 183.6 lbs
My gym bag - I pack my meal so I can eat it after workout. Also
have my funnel and protein/ creatine in the zip lock bags. I pretty
much carry my gym bag everywhere.. lol
I ate a couple of these meals a day- white rice, vegetables,

For those that ask me to make a video on how to cook... it takes me more time to make videos. I can just take pictures and explain it here. It's pretty simple. I'm not good at cooking but I can just make the basic stuff that I need. Here's how I make steaks on a skillet.

You can pick your cut but this is just beef round tenderized.
Tenderized so its softer since this cut is pretty lean. This
is a pound of beef for 5$ so your grocery bill will be pretty
high. I like to buy my meat fresh so I don't stuff a bunch of them
all in the fridge. Beef goes bad fast so you can't let it sit as long
as chicken.
So here I cut it half but you can cut it in quarters because half a
lb per meal is a lot. You can get steak seasoning in the seasoning isle
at the grocery store. Steak pretty much has a naturally good flavor
so I don't really care too much about seasoning.
Add oil to the pan so it wont stick. I use olive oil.
Turn the heat on to high.
Throw the meat in the pan.
If you use the lid it will cook both sides faster. I flip it about
2 or 3 times and I check to see if its done. It usually takes about
5 minutes to fully cook. The thing about beef is.. you can eat it
rare unlike chicken which you have to fully cook.
Here it is done! I added rice and some vegetables.
Beef cooks faster than chicken but yeah its going to dig a hole in your wallet if you're trying to bulk. Anyways let me know how your progress is and message me here if you need me to look at your page or want me to add you because you're keeping updates on your progress. I know not a lot of people are on blogger but don't worry this is just for me to help you! Posting your progress on social networking sites wont help.. all you get is regular retards who hate because you're making gains. So anyways just keep posting. It's not for anyone but you.


  1. I'VE TRIED HIS COOKING. it's perfect food for working out :)

  2. Good post man :) Just grabbed your RSS feed and subscribed to your YouTube channel yesterday.

    Keep up the good stuff!

  3. I don't know man, I think if you buy good meat and don't by packaged crap (frozen dinners, chips, soda, candy...) not to mention not eating out you'll probably end up spending the same if not less money.

  4. Jake- Nice blog you have there. Yeah eating out one meal is pretty much the same cost as a package of chicken breast that will last a week. I have a whole lot more energy and my recovery time is a lot faster by making my own food.

  5. Thanks man! Love your blog and vids... very motivational. I tried your shoulder workout yesterday and it was killer!

  6. Looks so good =O.
    Do you steam your veggies and bake the sweet potatoes?

  7. Use Google Adsense on your blog.
    Amazing physique!

  8. hey hanh, how do you cook the vegetables? cuz it looks like it's not just plain steamed vegetables, they look like they have some sauce on it.

    also, i'm a skinny guy. your meals don't look big at all. when you first started out did you just eat a bowl of chicken/veg/rice like 4 times a day? is that the secret to gaining weight?

  9. The first secret is for you to change your screen name to something appropriate if you want me to answer you correctly.

  10. hey hanh, how do you cook the vegetables? cuz it looks like it's not just plain steamed vegetables, they look like they have some sauce on it.

    also, i'm a skinny guy. your meals don't look big at all. when you first started out did you just eat a bowl of chicken/veg/rice like 4 times a day? is that the secret to gaining weight?

  11. Edmund- Eat 5-7 meals a day. You can wash the vegetables and put it in a bowl with seran wrap and microwave it for 30 seconds or so. Its easy. As far as gaining weight it just takes time. Eating, lifting, sleeping.. repeat. Proper supplementation will help. Check the videos on my channel.

  12. hi hanh
    i have a question. i go to high school (8am-3pm)so i can only eat at 1pm on lunch break. this means i can only eat at 7am, 1pm, 4pm, 7pm and 10 pm. would this be okay?

  13. Hanh, looks tasty. Can you cook me up some? Haha. I foresee a Hanh Champion food network show? Let's do it up!

  14. -whitedevilish- Pack your food. You can eat it in-between classes. The hours you have are too spaced out. Your progress will be slow.

    -Thomas- LOL. I don't think anyone average really wants to eat my meals more than once. Pretty plain.

  15. hmm what do you suggest i make to eat for something around 9am-11am ? i don't want to eat the same thing as my lunch( rice / chicken / vegetables )

  16. -whitedevilish- I listed it on my diet post.

  17. its been almost 3 weeks since i started my bulking up. i have been 128lbs for 3-4years now but im really happy so far gaining about 7lbs since starting. eating 5-6 meals a day (meats, rice/pasta and veggies) and 2 protein shakes a day. thanks again, you have really helped in the meals area. cheers mate

  18. Hanh i made an blog just so i can get your advice.pls check it out.

  19. Great Meals man, im really inspired by your habits, you got me to realize eating healthy will get you just as big gains as working out.

  20. Hey I just made a blog today its not really updated so please check

    oh the first blog i did was to experiment
    Please give me some advices

  21. Hanh when cooking any kind of beef does it matter if you cook it rare, medium, or well done?
